Welcome C&E Students Grab your handout and settle in Roll Call Question: What would your “last meal” be? Bell Work: What are the steps in a criminal justice case? What is a plea bargain? What is an acquittal? WILD CARD: What is the “Selective Service”?
Warm Up – Last Meals prisoners-last-meals prisoners-last-meals
Types of Punishment: Incarceration: locked up in prison What’s the difference between jail and prison? Probation: jail sentence can be avoided with supervision and restrictions Suspension: privilege is taken away for a period of time
House Arrest: confined to your home Monetary Compensation: paying a certain amount of money to the prosecution/plaintiff (i.e. a fine for speeding or damages to pay for the repairs to someone vehicle you crashed into) Confiscation of Property: seizing property that was used in a crime or when you fail to pay a fine Capital Punishment: death penalty for murder or treason
You Decide the Punishment In you groups Read the scenarios and determine what the sentence/punishment be for the person who is being convicted of a crime Choose From: Incarceration Probation Suspension House Arrest Monetary Compensation Confiscation of Property Capital Punishment Remember the 8 th Amendment!!!
Welcome C&E Students! Grab today’s handouts and settle in Roll Call Question: Would you rather have stretchable legs or stretchable arms? Bell Work What type of crime(s) would you have to commit to receive capital punishment? What is the difference between probation and suspension? What would happen if someone could not pay their fines or money they owed the government?
Animals in Prison??? behind-bars-669r behind-bars-669r
4.2 Jurisdiction and addressing Criminal Behavior Objective: Analyze the principle of jurisdiction in addressing criminal behavior
Federalism in Action Federalism: where national and state governments share power
What is Jurisdiction? Jurisdiction – authority to hear a case
Federal Agencies FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation -Mission: -To protect/defend the US against terrorists and foreign intelligence threats. -To uphold and enforce criminal law -Jurisdiction: Federal (Entire Country) -Spying -Kidnapping -Bank Robbery -Fraud (against the gov’t) -Interstate Transportation -Extortion -Civil Rights
NSA – National Security Agency -Mission: -Intelligence agency responsible for monitoring US and Global communications -Jurisdiction: Federal (Entire country) -Cryptology- Collection, decoding, translation and analysis of information and data for foreign intelligence -Protecting US gov’t communications systems -Collects and stores all phone records of all American citizens!!!!
Secret Service -Mission: -Protect National Leaders -Safeguard US financial structures -Jurisdiction: Federal (Entire Country) -Prevent Counterfeiting -Protecting the President, Vice President and their families -Financial Fraud and ID Theft
State Agencies SBI: State Bureau of Investigation (NCBI in North Carolina) -Mission: -Prevent Criminal Crimes -Find Criminals -Jurisdiction: A State -Drug Investigations -Election Law Violations -Gambling -Theft/damage to state property -Environmental Crimes -Computer Crimes
Highway Patrol/State Trooper Mission: Making State Highways/Freeways/Public Roads Safe Jurisdiction: State DUI/DWI Car Accidents Evacuation Routes
Local Agencies Sheriff’s Department Mission: Protecting the lives and property of all citizens within the county Jurisdiction: County Enforcing law and investigating crimes (civil and criminal) Maintaining County Jail Providing security for courts
Police Department Mission: Problem solving with citizens Prevent crimes Improve citizens’ quality of life Jurisdiction: Local – City Limits Protecting life and property of citizens Upholding law
Role Plays: Law & Jurisdiction You will be reading scenarios in which a crime has been committed. You must figure out… 1. whether it is a civil or criminal case 2. Which law enforcement agency has jurisdiction over the case There may be some overlap, so DON’T TRIP!
Bingo! Let’s play Bingo to review what we have covered in Unit 4 so far!
What’s The Point of Incarceration? Recidivism Rehabilitation
Crime & Punishment We will be watching several videos comparing different prison systems. As you watch fill out your handout