Accenture & OMI Training Session Leadership and Effective Teaming
Project Structure Project Proposal Project Proposal Secondary Research Research Design Field Work Research Report Project Evaluation
Team Activity Background: Client: MPI, a small NGO in Ecuador with an existing Small Business Training Programme but no previous experience in microfinance Research Project: Assess the viability of a new microfinance programme in the community Rumiloma and adjacent villages Recommend ways ways to expand MPI’s current Small Business Training Programme TASK: Divide the proposal into sub-sections and distribute the research work among team members.
Research Proposal Business Analysis Past analysis o Analysis of past attempts at lending Situation Analysis o Human resources o Small Business Training Programme o Financial Resources Prospect Analysis o Financial Model o Funding Market analysis Country Background o Cultural and social factors o Macroeconomic factors o Microfinance in Ecuador (Best Practice approach) o Political stability o Legal environment Local market analysis o Socio-economic background o Market segmentation and target communities o Supply of Microfinance Services in the area o Demand for Microfinance Services in the Area
Effective Teaming DOs & DONTs
Structure is your best friend task-organised and person-organised Gantt charts
Teamwork at Oxford Two thirds of employers say Oxford students are average or below average at teamwork They tend to be bad at communication, sharing information and delegating tasks They are perfectionist and bad at admitting weaknesses Oxford is an exciting and busy place. Many students, while enthusiastic, are overcommitted → time management, communication and personal integrity are key
Time Management Consulting for OMI is different from your academic environment. Deadlines matter! Your team members and your client are relying on you. Plan your term ahead. Factor in OMI from the start of term before you make other commitments. Structure your week. Set a time for OMI.
Communication I was going to do it, but… … I had an essay crisis … got really drunk at a college bop/crew date … my job application deadline was yesterday … I had to train for Summer VIIIs But I will definitely do it this week (every week!) I know I have exams and a performance with my drama society, but I’m sure I can fit the research in.
Communication I will be busy in 5 th week due to a drama performance, so won’t be able to do any research. What needs to be done before that? I have underestimated my course work for this week. Which parts of my research are essential for you to be able to progress? I have an unexpected job interview and cannot attend the meeting. Can I prepare a summary of my work this week and send it to you beforehand?
Communication → Communicate early → Communicate frequently → Communicate honestly Any communication is better than than no communication.
Personal Integrity Do not make promises you cannot meet. Do not raise expectations beyond what is realistic. It is okay to make mistakes. Help is available. Ask for it, and do so early! A healthy culture of critique is vital. Criticise respectfully, take critique positively. Trust is the currency of team work. Share your knowledge, trust your team members.
Planning Weekly meeting time Agenda for every meeting More time working and less time planning together Meetings of sub-groups the results of the week’s research around before the meeting (unless you like printing loads…)
Internal and External Communication s – Professionalism is key: → structure, rather than trail of consciousness → can you get the information yourself? → Treat your like a letter: correct address and signature, grammar, punctuation and style. → clear numbering of sub-categories and clear distribution of responsibilities Let the client know by which date you need certain documents or information Information sharing: Dropbox, Groupspaces