1 EMPLOYMENT, SOCIAL PROTECTION AND DECENT WORK Outcomes from Workshop in Dakar 30 June-2 July 2011 Hjördis D’Agostino Ogendo European Commission DG EuropeAid Brussels
2 Purpose of the Dakar workshop Sharing experience and knowledge in the field of employment, social protection and decent work in African and European countries Stimulate debate and discussion and creation of networks/working groups in areas of common interest between interested EU and African countries and stakeholders
3 Overall conclusions: The fundamental role of employment, social protection and social dialogue in achieving sustainable and balanced economic growth; Importance and potential of the informal economy in the development of African countries; Necessary involvement of governments, non- state actors and, in particular, of social partners, as well as of international organisations;
4 Overall conclusions continue : Noted the existence of a satisfactory framework both political as well as sectoral policies which will serve as the framework for action (EU-Africa Strategy, AU SPF etc...) Need to improve the strategic framework for mobilizing resources for sustainable reforms at local, public and private level, as well as predictable and long-term external resources.
5 Specific conclusions from working group on social protection We took note of the AU Social Policy Framework and We supported its “comprehensive social policy vision” and the need of Implementing it at regional, sub-regional and national levels. The working group (on SP) will support the development of national Social Protection systems as one of the important elements of AU-SPF.
6 Recommendations I from Dakar Workshop We agreed that: The strengthening of national social protection systems should start by analyzing and improving existing social protection arrangements, and complementing them with new ones to reach those not covered.
7 Recommendations II from Dakar Workshop We agreed that: Knowledge management and analytic capacity within the government on SP are key in building national SP-systems, and should therefore be supported;
8 Recommendations III from Dakar Workshop The need to support capacity building of relevant ministries, authorities such as Ministries of Finance, National Planning Commissions, Social Affairs, Labour, and other ministries and local authorities involved in the implementation of social protection and other relevant stakeholders, including social partners and civil society.
9 Recommendations IV from Dakar Workshop We agreed that: the (informal) working group on social protection should continue as part of the Informal Joint Expert Group within MME; social protection should be prioritized within the Africa-EU cooperation, in particular within the framework of the Joint Africa-EU Strategy
These recommendations/conclusions were used as important inputs for the 3 activities identified in 2nd action plan of the joint Africa-EU Strategy - adopted in 3rd Africa-EU Summit in November
11 More information on Joint Africa-EU Strategy in