A blueprint for learning derived from desired results A course to be run given the end point Planned activities, experiences, assignments for a specific outcome A map for desired student performance What is curriculum?
Design, v., -- To have purposes and intentions; to plan and execute. --Oxford English Dictionary Planning Instruction What is the end?
Planning Instruction National Standards State Standards District goals School goals Discipline goals
Planning Instruction Curriculum standards Content knowledge Community expectations Student knowledge Teacher self-knowledge Assessment practices Effective instructional strategies
Planning Instruction 1. Instructional Unit/Curriculum Connections 2. Expected levels of student knowledge Steps in good curriculum planning Instructional Strategies, International Center for Leadership in Education 1. Identify the desired results ( UbD )
Planning Instruction 3. Student Work 4. Content Knowledge Steps in good curriculum planning Instructional Strategies, International Center for Leadership in Education 2. Determine acceptable evidence ( UbD )
Planning Instruction 5. Essential Questions/ Concepts 6. Assessment and Instruction Steps in good curriculum planning Instructional Strategies, International Center for Leadership in Education teacher student 3. Plan learning experiences and instruction
Planning Instruction
Planned Instruction Teacher-centered instruction is characterized by... focus on textbooks favored lessons time-honored activities inputs Student-centered instruction is characterized by... focus on what is learned what students will do materials and equipment students will use output
Planning Instruction TWIN SINS Hands-on activities [engaging].....without being ‘minds-on’ Coverage
Blooms Taxonomy Knowledge Responds Absorbs Remembers Recognizes Memorizes Passive recipient define name record sort label recall group recite choose list memorize relate distinguish describe reproduction label list test reproduction label list test ComprehensionDemonstrates Questions Compare Contrasts Explains Translates Interprets restate identify discuss locate convert paraphrase report recognize outline interpret summarize explain summary story problems collection reproduction example quiz test outline Application Solves problems Demonstrates use of knowledge Constructs Active participant translate illustrate prepare experiment apply solve operate demonstrate adapt show product illustration simulation experiment performance Analysis Discusses Uncovers Lists Active participant discriminate differentiate classify organize dissect analyze criticize scrutinize discover survey investigation conclusion illustration spreadsheet survey plan abstract SynthesisDiscusses Generalizes Compares Contrasts Abstracts compose organize generalize show devise collect generate set up infer solution story project newspaper cartoon invention product collage goal blueprint Video Evaluation Judges Disputes Develops Active Participant validate predict prioritize tell why -- defend justify recommend appraise probe argue criticize investigation verdict conclusion recommendation editorial Behavior(Product) to what Degree
Where is the end?