An Interactive Model of Research Design
1. ID Problem Rich Picture 2. Express Problem 3. CATWOE & Root Def. Five Stakeholder Perspectives 4. Build Conceptual Models 5. Compare Models & Real World 2 & ID Desirable Changes 7. Take action Improve situation The real world Systems thinking about the real world The learning cycle of soft systems methodology (SSM) Adapted from Jackson (2003)
Customers Actors Transformation World view Owners Environment Root definition: A policy to address land reform, to redress post-independence unequal landownership, discriminatory land use regulations and insecure land tenure systems. Determine policies that address restitution of land, redistribution of land, land tenure. Provide information on the objectives, status, policy, procedure, and timing of transformation. Land reform program driven constitutionally. Promote national reconciliation. Disowned C A T W O E Government; Department of land reform; disowned` Land reform policy > Redress historical grievances > Address poverty > Promote social justice > Promote national reconciliation Disowned & government Inequitable land ownership > likely to fuel radical land reform SSM - CATWOE Criteria Once the CATWOE are defined > transformed into Root definition
From diff. Stakeholder Perspectives 1. ID Problem Situation Using Rich Picture 2. Express Problem Situation 3. ID relevant systems & develop root definitions (CATWOE & Root Def.) 4. Build Conceptual Models Of each root def. 5. Compare Models with the Real World Situation 2 & ID Practical & Desirable Changes 7. Take action To improve Situation (Make improvements) The real world Systems thinking about the real world The learning cycle of soft systems methodology (SSM) Adapted from Jackson (2003)