Lead Scotland Widening access to learning What works?
Engaging learners at home
"I have an iPad. It's great for people like myself who have a visual impairment. I like the zoom features, Siri and the talk to text. I don't think I am using it to its full potential yet but I certainly am more confident to touch it after one to one support from Lead Scotland".
Accessible devices
Co-designing the learning
Learner comments “Keeps me in contact with my family all over the world” “Feel in charge of your things” “Keeps your brain alert” “Good exercise for people with arthritis like me – so fingers don’t stiffen up” “We have a laugh with each other”
Participating online
Practitioners as learners
Create a tutor aid via ‘Prezi’
Widening access to: Overcome barriers Co-design sustainable learner plans Relevant, holistic and aspirational journeys Attainment and other positive outcomes, e.g. volunteering, employment Support transition to next steps Encourage participation and parity Strengthen communities
Contact Emma Whitelock, CEO, Lead Scotland, Linking Education & Disability Telephone: Mobile: