Early 20 th Century Modern Art
Comparison Questions Describe the difference in the overall tone or mood of each work? What are the dominant colors of each work? Describe the brushwork. Describe the figures in each work.
Kirchner, Street, Dresden, 1907
Fauvism “Color was not given to us so that we should imitate nature, but so that we could express our emotions.” Henri Matisse
Matisse, Woman with Hat, 1905
Matisse, Red Room,
Abstract Expressionism Beyond representation
Kandinsky, Improvisation 28, 1912
Cubism & Picasso
Picasso, Gertrude Stein,
Picasso, Les Demoisells d’Avignon, 1907
Picasso, Guernica, 1937
Cubism beyond Picasso Ambivalence between representation and abstraction
Braque, The Portuguese, 1911
Analytic Cubism Analyzes objects by shattering them into fragments Monochromatic colors ---so as not to distract with bright colors Object seen from multiple viewpoints
Braque, The Portuguese, 1911
Synthetic Cubism Incorporates stenciled letters (text: JOU) and scraps of paper (mixed media) Strong colors, decorative shapes
Collage: a composition made by pasting together different items on a background. Frottage: an image created by rubbing a crayon over a sheet of paper placed over a surface with a raised design.
Braque, Bottle Newspaper Pipe and Glass, 1913
Archipenko, Woman Combing Her Hair, 1915
Gonzalez, Woman Combing Her Hair,
Art Movements Influenced by Cubism Futurism DeStijl
Futurist Manifesto With our enthusiastic adherence to Futurism, we shall: Destroy the cult of the past, the obsession with the ancients, sophistry, and academic formalism Totally invalidate all kinds of imitation.
Futurist Manifesto Raise all attempts at originality, however, daring, however aggressive Convey bravely and proudly the blot of “madness” with which they try to suppress all innovators.
Futurist Manifesto Regard art critics as useless and dangerous Rebel against the despotism of words: “Harmony” and “good taste” and other loose expressions, which can be used to destroy the works of Rembrandt, Goya, Rodin….
Futurist Manifesto Brush away the whole field of art clean of all themes and subjects, which have been used in the past. Support and glory in our day-to-day world, a world which is going to be continually and fabulously transformed by victorious Science.
Futurist Manifesto The dead shall be buried in the earth’s deepest bowels! The dawn of the future will be swept free of mummies! Make room for youth, for violence, for daring!
Nike vs. Boccioni Compare the FIGURE style Compare the way the work was intended to be VIEWED Compare the effect the MATERIALS has on the overall impression of the work.
Boccioni, Unique Forms of Continuity in Space, 1913
De Stijl
“Nature is a damned wretched affair.”
“Art systematically eliminates the world of nature and man.”
Mondrian, Composition in Red Blue and Yellow, 1930
For Mondrian, vertical Lines represent vitality; horizontal lines, tranquility
Rietveld, Schroder House, Utretcht, Netherlands
Rietveld, Schroder House, 1924