Brain gate is a brain implant system developed by the bio-tech company Cyberkinetics in 2003 in conjunction with the Department of Neuroscience at Brown University. Brain gate is an electrode chip which can be implanted in the brain.When it is implanted in the brain the electrical signal exchanged by neurons within the brain. Those signals are sent to the brain and it executes body movement.All the signalling process is handled by special software.The signal is sent to the computer and then computer is controlled by patient. Brain gate converts brain activity into computer commands. Introduction
A brain computer interface,called as direct neural interface or brain machine interface is a direct communication pathway between human or animal brain and an external device. Braingate system is an example of BCI. Brain Computer Interface determines the intent of the user from a variety of different electrophysiological signals which include slow cortial potentials,P300 potentials or beta rhythms recorded from the scalp. Based on the communicative pathway, BCI is classified as follows > One Way BCI. > Two Way BCI.
The electrical patterns generated are called brain waves are transferred through millions of Neurons that act like the wires and gates in a computer, gathering & transmitting the signals over distances. A technique called neuro feedback uses connecting sensors on the scalp to translate brain waves. Even if paralysis or disease damages the part of the brain that processes movement, the brain still generates neural signals and that will be translated.
The principle of Brain Gate Neural Interface System is that with intact brain function, neural signals generated are interpreted by the systems and a cursor is shown to the user on a computer screen that provides an alternate "Brain Gate pathway". The user can use that cursor to control the computer, just as a mouse is used.
The Brain Gate Neural Interface device consists of a tiny chip containing 100 microscopic electrodes that is surgically implanted in the brain's motor cortex which can read the signals generated and send that information to a computer via connected wires and the neural pathway, and these signals are decoded using a decoding algorithm and translated to control the movement of a computer cursor or a robotic arm.
The chip is implanted on the surface of the brain in the motor cortex area that controls movement. In the pilot version of the device, a cable connects the sensor to an external signal processor in a cart that contains computers. The computers translate brain activity and create the communication output using custom decoding software and the algorithms are written in the languages like C,Java and MATLAB.
A technique called neuro feedback uses connecting sensors on the scalp to translate brain waves into information a person can learn from. The sensors register different frequencies of the signals produced in the brain. These changes in brain wave patterns indicate whether someone is concentrating or suppressing his impulses, or whether he is relaxed or tense.
Preprocessing Detection Control Training Bio feedback
With a Brain Gate you can: Turn on or off the lights in your room Check and read s Play games in computer Use your PC Control a robotic arm Watch and control your Television
The switches must be frequently adjusted- a time consuming process. The BrainGate Neural Interface System has not been approved by the FDA,but has been approved for IDE status (approved for pre-market clinical trials). Difficult in adaptation and learning. Limitation in information transform rate. The latest technology is 20 bits/min.
Future Brain Gate system products may control devices that allow breathing, bladder and bowel movements. Development of second generation patient interface software that will enable users to perform a wide variety of daily activities without the assistance of the technician. Development of a Brain Gate system which has a wireless interface between the implanted server and the computer.
Humans and machines are a part of intelligence. We could say that the Brain Gate can’t work without a human brain and the human brain (for someone who is paralysed) can’t function without the Brain Gate system. Brain Gate system is a system where a person can work with a computer just by thoughts. Brain Gate has proved to be a boon for paralyzed people. Although the Brain Gate technology system has been proven possible for real time implementation, it has not been released yet commercially. The commercial usage of this product would take another 3-5 years for its practical commercial release and use.