ADHD PSYCHO- EDUCATIONAL & SUPPORT GROUP Jennah Beilgard & Kathy Stavropoulos
Question: What do you know about ADHD?
Definition & Background Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder A neural behavioral developmental disorder Symptoms: Difficulty focusing/inattention Difficulty completing tasks, following instructions & processing information as quickly & accurately
Background Contin… Three Subscales Inattention Easily distracted, focus on everything Hyperactivity Higher than normal energy, fidgety, restless, incessant talking Impulsivity Benign to Risky Behaviors
Background Contin… Comorbidity: Substance Abuse Mood Disorders Anxiety Disorders Sleep Disorders Controversy Mis/over diagnosis, Stimulant Meds, Cultural considerations
Statistics General Statistics 6% to 7% Children diagnosed 80% retain symptoms into adulthood Most common psychiatric disorder diagnosed in children & adolescents MU specific student profiles In 2012/2013, 40 % of students registered with ODS had a diagnosis of ADD/ADHD
Treatment Medication Stimulants effective in 70 – 80% Adderall, Concerta, Ritalin, Vyvanse Lifestyle Alteration Routines & Organizational Tools Psychotherapy CBT Bio-Feedback
Purpose & Objectives Supportive environment for students to share experiences & relate to one another Teach coping skills for managing academics, work and personal relationships Increase self-efficacy Vocabulary Early interventions prior to entering the workforce
Structure & Setting 1 Credit-Hour Course Cross listed Meets Sundays 2:00 to 3:30pm, once/week for 8 weeks Closed Group Memorial Union Conference Room 8 to 10 Participants plus two Co-Facilitators Homogenous (Registered at ODS)
Advertising & Recruitment MU Disability Services Listserv Student Groups MU Student Exceptions (MUSE) Alpha Delta Pi (Honors Society) Flyers
Screening Procedures Explain Confidentiality Group Goals Format Syllabus Benefits Seeking Motivated Participants who would Benefit
Topics Transitional Issues Academic Concerns Stigma Disclosure Strengths Coping with Stress (Time Management)
Process Unit #1: Introductions & Sharing in the Here-and-Now Unit #2: Organization & Time Management Units #’s 3 to 5: Bio-Feedback and Coping with Stress Unit #6: Career Planning Unit #7: Relationships Unit #8: Termination and Evaluation
References Golden, Beth R.; Corazzini, John G.; Grady, Patricia Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, Vol 24(2), May 1993, Stevenson, C. S., Stevenson, R. J. and Whitmont, S. (2003), A self-directed psychosocial intervention with minimal therapist contact for adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Clin. Psychol. Psychother., 10: 93–101. doi: /cpp.356
References Contin… Huang-Pollock, Cynthia L.; Karalunas, Sarah L. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Working Memory Demands Impair Skill Acquisition in Children with ADHD, Vol 119(1), Feb 2010, Thompson, L & Thompson, M, Journal of Adult Development: Neurofeedback Intervention for Adults with ADHD, Vol (12), Aug 2005,