Chapter 6 Key Terms 1 CallusDermis EpidermisHypodermis CortexMelanin Sebaceous GlandsSebum KeratinizationAlbinism Stratum GranulosumStratum Basale Stratum CorneumMelanocytes Stratum GerminativumDesmosomes
Integumentary System Integument means covering Consists of the skin and its accessory structures Hair, nails, glands in skin Replaces itself about every 40 days Has a rich blood supply Almost completely waterproof and an effective barrier against most chemicals Helps maintain homeostasis (water and temp) Every square inch of skin contains app. 15 ft of blood vessels, 12 ft of nerves, 100 oil glands, 650 sweat glands, 1500 nerve endings 3
Integumentary System Function Senses environment Regulates temperature Protection Excretion 4
Layers of Skin Epidermis Layer of epithelial tissue which can be further divided into sublayers Outer layer of skin that lacks blood vessels Made of stratified, squamous, keratinized epithelial cells Cells are held together by desmosomes These desmosomes are responsible for the flexibility, entirety, and continuous structure of skin 5
Epidermis Keratinization Cells become filled with keratin because the cells change shape and chemical composition and lose most of their water The dead outer cells are constantly being shed The process of keratinization produces distinct layers in the epidermis called strata or stratum Composed of 5 layers 6
Epidermis Stratum Corneum Outermost layer Cells have died and converted to protein Keratin gives this layer the strength it needs to function properly Functions as a physical barrier to light, heat, microorganisms, and most chemicals Number of layers is determined by the stimulation on the surface Excessive abrasion produces an area called a callus 7
Epidermis Stratum Lucidum Lies just below the stratum corneum Only one or two cell layers thick Cells are transparent and flat Layers are sometimes so thin they can hardly be seen 8
Epidermis Stratum Granulosum (granular layer) A few layers of flattened cells Cells lose their nuclei and become brittle Granules in these cells do not contribute to skin color Keratinization begins in this layer 9
Epidermis Stratum Spinosum Several layers of spiny shaped cells The desmosomes are very prevalent in this layer The cells have a spiny appearance 10
Epidermis Stratum Germinativum Deepest and most important layer Contains the cells that are dividing by mitosis Rests on the basement membrane Sometimes also called stratum basale As cells divide, the older cells are pushed up the different layers until they are eventually shed 11
Epidermis Stratum Germinativum (cont’d) Contains melanocytes which are responsible for producing the skins color (melanin) Amount of melanin determines how dark someone’s skin will be More melanin = darker skin Exposure to the sun will cause melanocytes to produce more melanin Moles and freckles are areas of larger melanin production All races have the same number of melanocytes, but genes determines how active those melanocytes are 12
Epidermis Certain regions of the skin do not have as many melanocytes Many genes are responsible for skin color, yet one mutation can cause albinism The absence of skin color because melanin is not produced by melanocytes Skin is very white, hair is white, eyes pink 13
Dermis Also called corium Dense connective tissue that connects skin to tissues beneath it Contains blood vessels, nerves, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, hair follicles, and smooth muscles 2 parts of the dermis 15
Dermis Papillary Area adjacent to the epidermis Contains papillae which extend up toward the epidermis Reticular Between papillary and subcutaneous layers Subcutaneous (hypodermis) Below dermis and compose of fat and muscle 16
Hair One of the main characteristics of mammals Hair covers most of the body The amount of hair a person develops is related to certain genetic factors The hair follicle contains an outer sheath and an inner epithelial membrane that is continuous with the stratum germinativum Root is found inside the hair follicle Hair shaft is the visible portion of the hair 18
Hair Purpose of the hair Insulates Filters Shades Prevents abrasion 19
Hair Connected to the hair shaft is a bundle of smooth muscles These muscles make the arrector pili muscle This muscle causes the “goose bumps” on our skin when we get chills Involuntary muscle that pulls on the hair follicle and causes the hair to stand on end 20
Hair Growth Cells near base of hair follicle divide by mitosis and push the older cells up to the surface As the cells move upward, they are keratinized and form the layers of the hair shaft Eventually the hair will fall out because a new hair is growing in the hair follicle Baldness is a result of the hair follicles falling out as well 21
Hair Color Determined by genetic factors These genetic factors determines not only the pigments in the hair shaft, but also when the hair will turn gray Hair becomes gray/white when there is an absence of pigment in the cortex of the hair 22
Nails Made of epidermal cells composed of very hard keratin Lunula White portion and the proximal edge of the nail Size will vary with each individual (genetics) Nail Bed part of the nail where the nail grows Nail grows approximately 1 mm per week 23
Sebaceous Glands Located along the walls of hair follicles Secrete sebum onto the root of the hair Sebum is the oily substance that lubricates the surface of the skin Under control of the endocrine system 24
Sweat Glands Tubular glands found in the dermis of the skin Consists of two portions Secretory portion – located deep in the dermis Excretory duct – opens to the surface of the skin 2 types of sweat glands Eccrine Apocrine 25
Sweat Main component is sodium chloride Other components include urea, uric acid, amino acids, ammonia, sugar… Practically odorless Aids in temperature control Lips and genitalia lack sweat glands 26
Nerves Corpuscles Nerve endings About 20 different types (heat, pain, pressure…) Corpuscles sense those specific stimuli 27
Functions of Integumentary System Sensation Receptors (corpuscles) detect changes in external environment These receptors connect to sensory neurons that transmit the impulse to the spinal cord and brain for interpretation Allow us to react to the environment Protection Protects body from outside agents Melanin protects body from harmful rays “Acid Mantle” acts as a self-sterilizing area of the skin 28
Functions of Integumentary System Thermoregulation Blood vessels react to external temperatures (dilate or constrict) Sweat takes heat away from body Secretion Sebum Antifungal, antibacterial, moisturizes Sweat Cooling process, wastes Aids in Vitamin D production 29