By Logan Kearns
SALT WATER CROCODILE The salt water crocodile is a very aggressive creature its rough skin acts sort of like a shield against types of shells and coral. The salt water crocodiles sharp teeth are meant to rip apart its meals. They tread the warm waters of Asia and Australia but in Australia they just call them salties. This massive beast can grow up to 16 ft. long and weigh up to 770 kg!! The worlds biggest salt water crocodile is 20 ft. and weighs over 1200 kg!!!!!!! The females are much smaller they are only 7 to 9 ft. The ferocious creatures will fight for there life's for there territory. There life span is around 70 years old. These salt water crocs acutely live the same time in fresh water and salt water. The salt water crocodiles baby's diet is made up of coruscations insects small reptiles and fish the adults diet is made up of monkeys =(,kangaroo, wild boar dingoes, goannas and birds.
THE GIANT MANTA RAY! As you can see in the picture to the left the manta ray has to horns on to top of its head the manta ray looks pretty fearsome but it is acutely very gentile. The manta ray is the biggest of the rays and has the title of KING OF THE RAYS. The manta ray sails through the seas all over the world but are normally seen in the coral reefs. The manta ray has a body meant to swim with its sail like fin and dimand shaped body it can be the fastest ray also but it chooses not to they like to just take there time. These huge creatures like to eat plankton or shrimp but sometimes they eat small fish such as grunt. The life span of this creature is unknown.
They both swim in oceans. They both are large animals. They both haves patters on there stomachs that are always different like finger prints. They are both animals. They are also both very good swimmers.
The salt water croc lays eggs and manta rays give live birth. The saltwater croc is a reptile the manta ray is a mammal. The manta ray needs to be in water at all times but the salt water croc doesn't. The salt water croc is longer than wide and the manta ray is wider then long.