 ====!"§==Systems= BL P&H, R&E Verfasser, Projekt, 16/03/2016, Page 1 GRANDE, Objectives GRID Aware Network Developments in Europe Objectives: 1. Design,


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Presentation transcript:

 ====!"§==Systems= BL P&H, R&E Verfasser, Projekt, 16/03/2016, Page 1 GRANDE, Objectives GRID Aware Network Developments in Europe Objectives: 1. Design, build and run of an European GRID Testbed. 2. Prove that switched Gigabit Services can be implemented according to the requirements of the research community. 3. Investigate if switched Gigabit Services are a service for a carrier‘s portfolio. 4. The funding should be with the European Commission and the partners in the Project Organization.

 ====!"§==Systems= BL P&H, R&E Verfasser, Projekt, 16/03/2016, Page 2 GRANDE Grid Projects Grid Middleware development Bandwidth on Demand technologies Next Generation Research Networks GRANDE Influencing Factors

 ====!"§==Systems= BL P&H, R&E Verfasser, Projekt, 16/03/2016, Page 3 Grid Applications Resource Manager GARA CPUs DATAMPLS Networks Missing Link Optical Networks GRANDE provides the Missing Link

 ====!"§==Systems= BL P&H, R&E Verfasser, Projekt, 16/03/2016, Page 4 Europ. GRID Testbed, GRID environment London Amsterdam Frankfurt Geneva Praha Milano Proxy (Vendor NMS) GARA Globus Toolkit User ClientGRID Applications T-Systems FZ Jülich Vendor GRID Community Optical UNI/GMPLS GARA Interface

 ====!"§==Systems= BL P&H, R&E Verfasser, Projekt, 16/03/2016, Page 5 2.5G or 10G 2.5Gbps Local Loop Management Access DT InterPoP DWDM link Traffic Generator Terminal Server ISDN GbE 2 Racks DT DWDM GEANT or NREN PoP 10 GbE Switches Optionally: Layer2/Layer3 Switch GGRANDE, PoP Details

 ====!"§==Systems= BL P&H, R&E Verfasser, Projekt, 16/03/2016, Page 6 Resource Manager AA Resource Manager A Resource Manager DANTE Resource Manager B Resource Manager BB Dante NREN A NREN B Univ. AAUniv. BB Control PlaneData Plane Host A Host B GRANDE is Multi Domain and Multi Technology

 ====!"§==Systems= BL P&H, R&E Verfasser, Projekt, 16/03/2016, Page 7 Grande, Partners T-Systems DANTE NRENs: CESNET, DFN-Verein, GARR, HEANET, PSNC, RedIRIS TERENA Research Centre Jülich Vendors: Alcatel, Lucent