Welcome to Year 6 Ms Greenwood Miss Wadsworth Mrs Davy Mrs Imran Miss Aspin
What Children will need ALL Children will need: Their book bag, reading book and personal organiser in school every day. Their book bag, reading book and personal organiser in school every day. A games kit and a PE kit in school at all times – these need to be kept in school for the duration of the half term. A games kit and a PE kit in school at all times – these need to be kept in school for the duration of the half term.
New Curriculum First year for Year 6 First year for Year 6 Children get a more in depth coverage Children get a more in depth coverage Opportunities to apply to other areas of the curriculum Opportunities to apply to other areas of the curriculum
Reading Children are expected to read daily at home and parents should question children in order to ensure their understanding – Children are expected to read daily at home and parents should question children in order to ensure their understanding – language and structure of texts; author’s intent; inference; retrieval; meaning of words in context – encourage use of dictionaries All children will be heard read at least once a week in school – this includes the weekly guided reading session. All children will be heard read at least once a week in school – this includes the weekly guided reading session. Children requiring additional support with their reading will receive this daily in school. Children requiring additional support with their reading will receive this daily in school. Booklet. Booklet.
READING TEST 1 paper, 1 hour – 3 passages to read 1 paper, 1 hour – 3 passages to read Types of questions: Types of questions: –Ranking/ordering –Labelling –Find and copy –Short responses (retrieval) –Longer open ended responses (explanation and backing up with evidence from the text)
Writing We have high expectations in the quality of children’s presentation in all of the children’s work –including homework. We have high expectations in the quality of children’s presentation in all of the children’s work –including homework. We are continuing our drive on correct pen grip and handwriting – by Year 6 all children should be joining their handwriting. We are continuing our drive on correct pen grip and handwriting – by Year 6 all children should be joining their handwriting. Booklets. Booklets. Exemplary work. Exemplary work. Teacher assessed in Writing. Teacher assessed in Writing.
GRAMMAR AND SPELLING TEST Paper 1 – Grammar and Punctuation – 45 minutes Paper 1 – Grammar and Punctuation – 45 minutes –Selected responses (tick/circle) –Constructed responses (write a sentence starting with ‘How’ or write 2 sentence using the different meanings of the word ‘row’) –Paper 2 – aural spelling test (20 words)
Mathematics Mathematics 3 papers – arithmetic (30 marks, 30 questions, 30 minutes); paper 1 and paper 2 (40 marks, 40 minutes). 3 papers – arithmetic (30 marks, 30 questions, 30 minutes); paper 1 and paper 2 (40 marks, 40 minutes). No calculator. No calculator. Curriculum more challenging – teaching now in Year 6 what we did in what was old Level 6 Booster Curriculum more challenging – teaching now in Year 6 what we did in what was old Level 6 Booster Boosters. Boosters. Focus on Place Value, need to know times tables. Focus on Place Value, need to know times tables. Eg of a question. Eg of a question. Booklet. Booklet.
MATHEMATICS TESTS Paper 1 – Arithmetic – 30 minutes (40 marks) Paper 1 – Arithmetic – 30 minutes (40 marks) –234,897 – 45,996; 2331/37)
MATHEMATICS TESTS Papers 2 & 3 – Reasoning – 40 minutes (35 marks) – multiple choice, true or false, complete the table, draw the shape, explain why they are right or wrong One gram of gold costs £ What is the cost of half a kilogram of gold? Explain how you worked out the answer? (35 marks)
SCIENCE TEST Children are no longer required to sit a Science test Children are no longer required to sit a Science test Sampling will take place 50% of schools for a sample of children Sampling will take place 50% of schools for a sample of children Biology – 25 minutes Biology – 25 minutes Chemistry – 25 minutes Chemistry – 25 minutes Physics – 25 minutes Physics – 25 minutes
Topics for the Year Autumn – Frozen Kingdom Autumn – Frozen Kingdom Study of geography, animals found in polar regions, evolution. Study of geography, animals found in polar regions, evolution. Spring – Gallery Rebels Spring – Gallery Rebels Art based. Art based. Summer – Hola Mexico Summer – Hola Mexico Study of Mexico. Study of Mexico.
Assessment without levels No longer levels. No longer levels. Children will be high school ready. Children will be high school ready. All currently working towards end of y6 expectations. All currently working towards end of y6 expectations. Tests out of 130 and 100 is classed as high school ready and 100+ children have exceeded expectations. Tests out of 130 and 100 is classed as high school ready and 100+ children have exceeded expectations.
Assessments and SATs We will be assessing the children throughout the year both using written tests and teacher assessment. We will be assessing the children throughout the year both using written tests and teacher assessment. 3 assessment weeks: end of November; end of January and mid March, and half termly progress tests. 3 assessment weeks: end of November; end of January and mid March, and half termly progress tests. SATs week is week commencing Monday May 9 th SATs week is week commencing Monday May 9 th 2016.
Parent workshops Parents’ mathematics workshop Parents’ mathematics workshop - 2 p.m. Thursday 22 nd October Parents’ English workshop Parents’ English workshop Parents’ Grammar workshop Parents’ Grammar workshop
Homework All children will receive a piece of Mathematics homework, a reading comprehension every Friday. Some weeks there may also be a piece of S.P.a.G. homework. All children will receive a piece of Mathematics homework, a reading comprehension every Friday. Some weeks there may also be a piece of S.P.a.G. homework. Homework will need to be handed back to the subject teacher by Thursday the following week. Homework will need to be handed back to the subject teacher by Thursday the following week. Times tables Times tables All homework is expected to be of a high quality All homework is expected to be of a high quality
Behaviour We have high expectations of children’s behaviour in school, inside and outside of the classroom. Children have Golden Time on a Friday as a reward if they behaved well all week. If your child has lost golden time this will be recorded in their personal organiser – please ensure this is checked and signed weekly. Class rewards
General information Extended Leave No authorised extended leave £60 fine Spot checks by EWO Children not collected on time Online Admissions - year 6 children to high school