Agriculture Deforestation By Ranser J Rivera Alers
Agriculture deforestation What is it? What are the causes of this problem? How it harms the planet? Ways to prevent the problems? Solutions to the problem
Agriculture deforestation What is Agriculture Deforestation? Agriculture deforestation is the removal of a forest or stand of trees where the land is thereafter converted to a non-forest use and used to harvest to take care of domestic animals. Some example of this are: making Farms Making buildings The production of cattle
Agriculture deforestation What are the causes of this problem? The causes are Forest conversion Forest conversion is the removing of natural forest to make plantations, agriculture, pasture for cattle settlements and mining. Forest degradation Forest degradation is the primary way of deforestation because of climate change, forest fires and illegal logging.
Agriculture deforestation What are the causes of this problem? Rising demand of soil to harvest The demand of soil is growing bigger and bigger because of the demand of coffee, soy, palm oil and cocoa. Massive constructions The strong demand of houses are increasing do population with that also increase the manufacturing of buildings and houses for the people to work and live.
Agriculture deforestation What are the causes of this problem? harvest timber to create commercial items such as paper, furniture and homes creating ingredients that are highly prized consumer items, such as the oil from palm trees creating room for cattle ranching Desertification of land It occurs due to land abuse making it unfit for growth of trees. Many industries in petrochemicals release their waste into rivers which results in soil erosion and make it unfit to grow plants and trees.
Agriculture deforestation What are the causes of this problem? Fires Another example would be forest blazes; Hundreds of trees are lost each year due to forest fires in various portions of the world. This happens due to extreme warm summers and milder winters. Fires, whether causes by man or nature results in huge loss of forest cover.
Agriculture deforestation How it harms the planet? There are a lot of ways it harms the planet, some of them are: The contamination of the air Increasing of the global warming Trees play a major role in controlling global warming. The trees utilize the green house gases, restoring the balance in the atmosphere. With constant deforestation the ratio of green house gases in the atmosphere has increased, adding to our global warming woes. Causing erosion on the land Tree roots anchor the soil. Without trees, the soil is free to wash or blow away, which can lead to vegetation growth problems.
Agriculture deforestation How it harms the planet? Loss of species Seventy percent of the world’s plants and animals live in forests and are losing their habitats to deforestation, according to National Geographic. Loss of habitat can lead to species extinction. It also has negative consequences for medicinal research and local populations who rely on the animals and plants in the forests for hunting and medicine. Floods : When it rains, trees absorb and store large amount of water with the help of their roots. When they are cut down, the flow of water is disrupted and leads to floods in some areas and droughts in other.
Agriculture deforestation How it harms the planet? Water cycle: Trees are important to the water cycle. They absorb rain fall and produce water vapor that is released into the atmosphere. Trees also lessen the pollution in water. Life quality Soil erosion can also lead to silt entering the lakes, streams and other water sources. This can decrease local water quality and contribute to poor health in populations in the area. Global climate change This is do to greenhouse gases that are in large enough quantity, they can force climate change.
Agriculture deforestation Ways to prevent the problem? This are some interesting ways to prevent agriculture deforestation Silvopastoril system In this case the system is composed of the animal forest component and natural pastures ( grazing mountains ). Agroforestry System Forestry is integrated to agriculture (agricultural and fodder crops). Agroforestry silvopastoril system This type of practice is the most comprehensive, in which all (forestry, animal and crops in general) components are present.
Agriculture deforestation Solutions to the problem curb the felling of trees, by employing a series of rules and laws to govern it Clear cutting of forests must be banned the cutting trees must be replaced by planting young trees to replace the older ones that were cut The government need to implement anti-deforestation policies Minimizing the paper wasting Encouraging recycling
Agriculture deforestation Solutions to the problem use of recycled products Use of renewable energy Educate people about the problem and causes of deforesting.
Agriculture deforestation Bibliography ▪ rest_conversion_agriculture/ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ / /?type=1&theat er / /?type=1&theat er ▪ deforestation.php deforestation.php ▪ and-solutions and-solutions
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