Roadmap to Achieve RBM Targets September 2009 – December 2010 MOZAMBIQUE
Country Summary InterventionNeed to 2010 Already covered Funded and expected to be distributed before end 2010 Gap LLINs (Universal Access) (9.8 Millions Nets) 4.4 Million Nets from PMI, GF, UNICEF and MC 5.4 Million Nets. (US$35.1 Million) ACTs (6,653,280 Millions treatments for 2010) Treatments from PMI(2.4 M), GF Phase II (3 M) 1,253,280 Million treatments IRS(US$16.2 Millions) US$5 millions from PMI. US$6.4 million from LSDI and Global Fund US$4.8 Millions RDTs (11,839,190 Millions tests for 2010) 4 Millions test from GF R6 Phase II 7.839,190 Million RDTs IPTp (1.5 million women to be treated in 18 months) Funded By MOH0 M&EUS$1,31million Funded by PMIUS$ 940,000 BCC/IECUS$6.1 million Funded by PMI,, UNICEF, World BankUS$1.3 million Human Resources (Capacity Bldg) US$2.7 million Other Population at risk: (Whole population)
LLIN resources available to achieve the 2010 targets FUNDs AVAILABLE (US $) SOURCECOMMENT 3 million LLINs (US$19.5 million) PMIIn 2009 – one million LLINs (fifty to arrive August 2009 and other fifty February 2010) In 2010 – two Million LLINs (Procurement May, arrive Aug, distribution end 2010) 800,000 LLINs (US$5.2 million) 5.4 million LLINs (US$35.1 million) GFR6 GFR9 GFR6 phase II Procurement started for nets to arrive in 2009 LLINs needed to fill the GAP 500,000 LLINs (US$3.25 million) 100,000 LLINs (US$650,000) UNICEF Malaria Consortium Already procured for distribution in 2009
LLIN Ordering & Distribution to end 2010 Quantities 5.4 million LLIN Gap Procurement dates To meet targets it is necessary to receive GF9 funds before March 2010 Expected delivery Should be by July 2010 Campaign Date Between August to November 2010 BCC August to September Community mobilization August to September Distribution September to November Mechanisms of distribution Mass distributions Monitoring and evaluation December 2010
ACT resources available to achieve the 2010 targets FUNDS AVAILABLE (US $) SOURCECOMMENT 4.8 million treatmentsUNITAID2.4 million already in country, 2.4 million to arrive in September million treatments (2009) 4.8 Million treatments (2010) PMI Procurement September 2009 to arrive beginner 2010 Procurement September 2010 to arrive beginner million treatments MOH GF R6 phase IIGF R6 phase II 3 Millions treatment
Case management ACTs required ( ) 15.2 million RDTs required ( ) 20 million Procurement schedules 4 million (RDTs) already procured in July 2009 to arrive in two shipment. Next procurement January 2010 for 4 Million RDTs GF R6 Phase II and to arrive in two shipments in 2010 BCC August 2009 Mechanisms of distribution Government System (Province to district and health facility - on monthly bases) Drug Efficacy Monitoring November 2009 Monitoring and evaluation November/December 09 June/July 2010 November/December 2010
IRS resources available to achieve the 2010 targets FUNDS AVAILABLE (US $) SOURCECOMMENT US$5 millionsPMIFor Zambezia Province through RTI US$6.4 millionMOH, LSDI and GF US$4.8 millionGF9
Indoor Residual Spraying DDT required kg Pyrethroids required Kg Procurement schedulesDecember 2009-March 2010 DistributionMay/June 2010 TrainingJune 2010 BCCMay-October 2010 SprayingJuly-October 2010 Monitoring and evaluation (bioassays, insecticide resistance etc) February-May 2010
Other core interventions to be delivered over the next 17 months IPTp – we have needs for 2009, but will procure more SP in late 2009 Conduct MIS in March to April 2010 Conduct Drug Efficacy Study November to March 2010
Summary of rate-limiting factors over the next 17 months Depending on GFATM R9 funds being awarded and arriving early Early fund release from PMI Availability of LLINs at short notice
Summary of technical assistance needs to end 2010 NeedFrom whom Procurement of LLINsVPP LogisticsPMI/ WHO Quality control/assurance of RDTsWHO/PMI DHS in 2010WHO/PMI MIS in 2010PMI/WHO