This SENSE Drop-In Overview Presentation Template can be customized using your college’s SENSE results. Please review the “Notes” section accompanying each slide. The notes provide topical information and additional instructions to assist you in presenting your findings. In addition, instructional slides precede specific sections of the presentation to provide more detailed information about how you can use these sections to tell your college’s story using SENSE results. Please note that the 2015 SENSE Cohort data provided throughout the presentation are accurate. All of the data listed for [College Name], however, will need to be updated to reflect your college’s results. 1
SENSE 2015 Findings for [College Name] [Subtitle]
Presentation Overview SENSE Overview Student Respondent Profile SENSE Benchmarks Community College Students and Stories Strategies to Promote Learning that Matters 3
SENSE Overview
What is Student Engagement? …the amount of time and energy students invest in meaningful educational practices …the institutional practices and student behaviors that are highly correlated with student learning and retention 5
The Survey of Entering Student Engagement ( SENSE ) SENSE helps community and technical colleges understand the experience of entering students and engage these students in the earliest weeks of their college experience. 6
As a tool for improvement, SENSE helps us Understand students' critical early experiences Identify and learn from practices that engage entering students Identify areas in which we can improve Basic principles Grounded in research about what works to retain and support entering students Reports data publicly Is committed to using data for improvement SENSE: A Tool for Community Colleges 7
Student Respondent Profile at [College Name]
Excluded Respondents The following respondents were excluded from reporting: Respondent did not indicate enrollment status Respondent did not indicate whether he or she was an entering or returning student Respondent returned an invalid survey Respondent was under the age of 18 Respondent indicated previous survey submission Oversample respondents were also excluded 9
Section Instructions Use the following slides to compare your respondents to the 2015 SENSE Cohort on the following variables: enrollment status (less than full time or full-time), age, gender, race and ethnicity, and first-generation status. 10
Student Respondent Profile: Enrollment Status 11 Source: 2015 SENSE data
Student Respondent Profile: Age 12 Source: 2015 SENSE data
Student Respondent Profile: Sex 13 Source: 2015 SENSE data
Student Respondent Profile: Race & Ethnicity 14 Source: 2015 SENSE data
Student Respondent Profile: First-Generation Status 15 Source: 2015 SENSE data
Section Instructions In the following section, continue to describe your student respondents by using your college’s frequency reports. These reports will allow you to describe your student respondents by participation in orientation, courses dropped, employment, and goals. 16
Student Respondent Profile: Orientation Source: 2015 SENSE data 17
Student Respondent Profile: Courses Dropped 18 Source: 2015 SENSE data
Student Respondent Profile: Employment 19 Source: 2015 SENSE data
Student Respondent Profile: Goals 20 Source: 2015 SENSE data
SENSE Benchmarks
Section Instructions To assist colleges in their efforts to reach for excellence, SENSE reports national benchmarks of effective educational practice with entering students in community colleges. While many of the student behaviors and institutional practices measured by benchmarks can and should continue throughout students’ college careers, the SENSE items and the resulting data focus on this critical entering student timeframe. In the following section, enter your benchmark data and describe educational practices at your college. 22
SENSE Benchmarks of Effective Practice with Entering Students The six SENSE benchmarks are: Early Connections High Expectations and Aspirations Clear Academic Plan and Pathway Effective Track to College Readiness Engaged Learning Academic and Social Support Network 23
SENSE Benchmarks for Effective Educational Practice 24 Source: 2015 SENSE data SENSE Benchmark Scores for [College Name]
SENSE Benchmarks for Effective Educational Practice 25 Source: 2015 SENSE data SENSE Benchmark Scores for [College Name] compared to [Comparison Group]
Early Connections This is an opportunity to customize one or more of your slides using the following Early Connections benchmark items: Respond to each item using a five-point scale from Strongly agree to Strongly disagree: The very first time I came to this college I felt welcome (18a) The college provided me with adequate information about financial assistance (scholarships, grants, loans, etc.) (18i) A college staff member helped me determine whether I qualified for financial assistance (18j) At least one college staff member (other than an instructor) learned my name (18p) Respond with Yes or No: A specific person was assigned to me so I could see him/her each time I needed information or assistance (23) 26 Source: 2015 SENSE data
High Expectations and Aspirations This is an opportunity to customize one or more of your slides using the following High Expectations and Aspirations benchmark items: Respond to each item using a five-point scale from Strongly agree to Strongly disagree: The instructors at this college want me to succeed (18b) I have the motivation to do what it takes to succeed in college (18t) I am prepared academically to succeed in college (18u) During the first three weeks of your first semester, how often did you: Turn in an assignment late (19c) Not turn in an assignment (19d) Come to class without completing readings or assignments (19f) Skip class (19s) 27 Source: 2015 SENSE data
Clear Academic Plan and Pathway This is an opportunity to customize one or more of your slides using the following Clear Academic Plan and Pathway benchmark items: Respond to each item using a five-point scale from Strongly agree to Strongly disagree: I was able to meet with an academic advisor at times convenient for me (18d) An advisor helped me to select a course of study, program, or major (18e) An advisor helped me to set academic goals and to create a plan for achieving them (18f) An advisor helped me to identify the courses I needed to take during my first semester/quarter (18g) A college staff member talked with me about my commitments outside of school (work, children, dependents, etc.) to help me figure out how many courses to take (18h) 28 Source: 2015 SENSE data
Effective Track to College Readiness This is an opportunity to customize one or more of your slides using the following Effective Track to College Readiness benchmark items: Respond with Yes or No: Before I could register for classes I was required to take a placement test to assess my skills in reading, writing, and/or math (12a) I took a placement test (12b) This college required me to enroll in classes indicated by my placement test scores during my first semester/quarter (14) Respond to each item using a five-point scale from Strongly agree to Strongly disagree: I learned to improve my study skills (listening, note taking, highlighting readings, working with others, etc.) (21a) I learned to understand my academic strengths and weaknesses (21b) I learned skills and strategies to improve my test-taking ability (21c) 29 Source: 2015 SENSE data
Engaged Learning This is an opportunity to customize one or more of your slides using the following Engaged Learning benchmark items: During the first three weeks of your first semester, how often did you: Ask questions in class or contribute to class discussions (19a) Prepare at least two drafts of a paper or assignment before turning it in (19b) Participate in supplemental instruction (extra class sessions with an instructor, tutor, or experienced student) (19e) Work with other students on a project or assignment during class (19g) Work with classmates outside of class on class projects or assignments (19h) Participate in a required study group outside of class (19i) Participate in a student-initiated (not required) study group outside of class (19j) Use an electronic tool ( , text messaging, Facebook, MySpace, class website, etc.) to communicate with another student about coursework (19k) Use an electronic tool ( , text messaging, Facebook, MySpace, class website, etc.) to communicate with an instructor about coursework (19l) Discuss an assignment or grade with an instructor (19m) Ask for help from an instructor regarding questions or problems related to a class (19n) Receive prompt written or oral feedback from instructors on your performance (19o) Discuss ideas from readings or classes with instructors outside of class (19q) Use face-to-face tutoring (20d2) Use writing, math, or other skill lab (20f2) Use computer lab (20h2) 30 Source: 2015 SENSE data
Academic and Social Support Network This is an opportunity to customize one or more of your slides using the following Academic and Social Support Network benchmark items: Respond to each item using a five-point scale from Strongly agree to Strongly disagree: All instructors clearly explained academic and student support services available at this college (18l) All instructors clearly explained course grading policies (18m) All instructors clearly explained course syllabi (syllabuses) (18n) I knew how to get in touch with my instructors outside of class (18o) At least one other student whom I didn’t previously know learned my name (18q) At least one instructor learned my name (18r) I learned the name of at least one other student in most of my classes (18s) 31 Source: 2015 SENSE data
Benchmarking – and Reaching for Excellence The most important comparison: where we are now, compared with where we want to be. 32
Reaching for Excellence at [College Name] This is an opportunity to customize one or more slides for your college. Slide and discussion ideas include the following: Show how your college is reaching for excellence by discussing how your college is using SENSE data to better understand and improve its practices. Compare yourself to the national average (the 50 mark). Measure overall performance against performance by your least- engaged student groups. Gauge your work in the areas your college strongly values (e.g., the areas identified in your strategic plan). Contrast where you are with where you want to be. 33 Source: 2015 SENSE data
Community College Students and Stories
Giving Voice to Students 35
Student Aspirations Students’ Goals Indicate which of the following are your reasons/goals for attending this college. 36 A goalNot a goal Complete a certificate program10% Obtain an associate degree10% Transfer to a four-year college or university10% Note: Respondents may indicate more than one goal. Source: 2015 SENSE data
Student Persistence Future Plans When do you plan to take classes at this college again? 37 Source: 2015 SENSE data
Section Instructions The following slides provide examples of storylines that you may find helpful when communicating your results. Information is useful when put into context. However, it is more valuable when it is tied to issues people care about. Your audience may find more interest in the college’s survey results if you develop storylines that relate to issues that are relevant to the college and its service area. The storylines are hypothetical situations, but they provide ideas for stories that can be told using SENSE results. (Refer to your college’s institutional reports for data about your college.) It is important to remember two things as you develop your storylines: 1.Don’t forget your audiences. There are storylines that colleges want to tell and storylines audiences want to hear. Sometimes these are the same; sometimes they are different. Focus on ways to highlight key issues that your audiences will find compelling. 2.This isn’t about spin. The Center’s aim is to be straightforward about data, both when the results make us shine and when they cause us to question—and improve—our current practices. These storylines are intended to inform, engage, and highlight important issues. 38
“Part-timeness” 39 This is an opportunity to customize one or more of your slides to tell your college’s story. Slide and discussion ideas include the following: Consider the experience of less than full-time and full-time students as shown by your college’s institutional data. Discuss what your institution is doing to engage less than full- time students. Source: 2015 SENSE data
Developmental Education This is an opportunity to customize one or more of your slides to tell your college’s story. Slide and discussion ideas include the following: Give relevant survey results, such as the percentage of students who report being enrolled in developmental courses in math, reading, or writing. Compare results with the SENSE Cohort. Give relevant institutional data. 40 Source: 2015 SENSE data
At-Risk Students This is an opportunity to customize one or more of your slides to tell your college’s story. Slide and discussion ideas include the following: Provide data from survey items related to the risk factors. Provide data from survey items related to the support and student services provided by your college. If possible, provide concrete examples and results. Quote one or two students discussing these services. 41 Source: 2015 SENSE data
Addressing Challenges This is an opportunity to customize one or more of your slides to tell your college’s story. Slide and discussion ideas include the following: Detail challenges specific to your campus. Provide data for survey items related to these challenges. Give examples of initiatives your college has developed (or plans to develop) to strengthen these areas. 42 Source: 2015 SENSE data
Strategies to Promote Learning that Matters
The Center describes key strategies to promote strengthened classroom experiences: Strengthen classroom engagement Integrate student support into learning experiences Focus institutional policies on creating the conditions for learning 44
Strengthen Classroom Engagement Raise expectations Promote active, engaged learning Build and encourage relationships Ensure that students know where they stand 45
Raise Expectations Instructors should set high standards and communicate them clearly, deliberately, and consistently. 46
Raise Expectations Students report that they are motivated to succeed: XX% of students Agree or Strongly agree that they have the motivation to do what it takes to succeed in college 47 Source: 2015 SENSE data
Raise Expectations But expectations may not be as high as they need to be: 48 Percentage of full-time students who report spending five or fewer hours per week preparing for class Source: 2015 SENSE data Time Spent Preparing for Class
Raising Expectations at [College Name] This is an opportunity to customize one or more slides for your college. Slide and discussion ideas include the following: Provide your college’s data for survey items related to raising expectations, and discuss the results. Provide examples of what you plan to do with the information (for example, requiring more writing across all disciplines or agreeing that all instructors will require students to submit multiple drafts of papers). Compare your college’s performance on raising expectations with the performance of a group of similar colleges or to the full SENSE Cohort. Give examples of initiatives that your college has developed (or plans to develop) to strengthen efforts to raise expectations on your campus(es). 49 Source: 2015 SENSE data
Promote Active, Engaged Learning Students learn and retain more information — and persist and succeed at higher levels — when they are actively involved in learning rather than passively receiving information. 50
Promote Active, Engaged Learning Student Perceptions of Engaged Learning During the first three weeks of your first semester/quarter at this college, about how often have you done each of the following activities? 51 Source: 2015 SENSE data
Promoting Active, Engaged Learning at [College Name] This is an opportunity to customize one or more slides for your college. Slide and discussion ideas include the following: Provide your college’s data for survey items related to promoting active, engaged learning, and discuss the results. Provide examples of what you plan to do with the information (for example, requiring students to participate in study groups or requiring more group work outside of class). Compare your college’s performance on promoting active, engaged learning with the performance of a group of similar colleges or to the full SENSE Cohort. Give examples of initiatives that your college has developed (or plans to develop) to strengthen efforts to promote active, engaged learning on your campus(es). 52 Source: 2015 SENSE data
Build and Encourage Relationships Personal connections are a critical factor in student success 53
Build and Encourage Relationships Entering Students’ Interaction with Faculty 54 Percentage of entering students who Agree or Strongly agree that they knew how to get in touch with their instructors outside of class Percentage of entering students who report that they Never discussed ideas from readings or classes with instructors outside of class Source: 2015 SENSE data
Building and Encouraging Relationships at [College Name] This is an opportunity to customize one or more slides for your college. Slide and discussion ideas include the following: Provide your college’s data for survey items related to building and encouraging relationships, and discuss the results. Provide examples of what you plan to do with the information (for example, assigning a specific person, such as an advisor or staff member, to each entering student, so each student has a single contact for questions). Compare your college’s performance on building and encouraging relationships with the performance of a group of similar colleges or to the full SENSE Cohort. Give examples of initiatives that your college has developed (or plans to develop) to strengthen efforts to build and encourage relationships on your campus(es). 55
Ensure that Students Know Where They Stand Feedback on academic performance greatly affects student retention 56
Ensure that Students Know Where They Stand 57 Source: 2015 SENSE data Student Perceptions of Feedback During the first three weeks of your first semester/quarter at this college, about how often have you received prompt written or oral feedback from instructors on your performance?
Ensuring that Students Know Where They Stand at [College Name] This is an opportunity to customize one or more slides for your college. Slide and discussion ideas include the following: Provide your college’s data for survey items related to ensuring that students know where they stand, and discuss the results. Provide examples of what you plan to do with the information (for example, bringing faculty members together to share strategies for giving feedback). Compare your college’s performance on ensuring that students know where they stand with the performance of a group of similar colleges or to the full SENSE Cohort. Give examples of initiatives that your college has developed (or plans to develop) to strengthen efforts to ensure that students know where they stand on your campus(es). 58 Source: 2015 SENSE data
Integrate Student Support into Learning Experiences Students are most likely to succeed when expectations are high and they receive the support they need to rise to those expectations. 59
Integrate Student Support into Learning Experiences Student Use of Student Services 60 Never Academic advising/planning10% Career counseling10% Financial aid advising10% Skill labs (writing, math, etc.)10% How often did you use the services? Source: 2015 SENSE data
Integrating Student Support into Learning Experiences at [College Name] This is an opportunity to customize one or more slides for your college. Slide and discussion ideas include the following: Provide your college’s data for survey items related to integrating student support into learning experiences, and discuss the results. Provide examples of what you plan to do with the information (for example, introducing more paired courses that combine entry-level or developmental courses with student success courses). Compare your college’s performance on integrating student support into learning experiences with the performance of a group of similar colleges or to the full SENSE Cohort. Give examples of initiatives that your college has developed (or plans to develop) to integrate student support into learning experiences on your campus(es). 61
Focus Institutional Policies on Creating the Conditions for Learning Institutional policies focused on student success are most effective when colleges mandate student participation in activities that are shown to increase persistence and improve student outcomes. 62
Focus Institutional Policies on Creating the Conditions for Learning 63 Class Attendance During the first three weeks of your first semester/quarter at this college, about how often have you skipped class? Source: 2015 SENSE data
Focusing Institutional Policy on Creating the Conditions for Learning at [College Name] This is an opportunity to customize one or more slides for your college. Slide and discussion ideas include the following: Provide your college’s data for survey items related to focusing institutional policy on creating the conditions for learning, and discuss the results. Provide examples of what you plan to do with the information (for example, reassessing drop/add rules or requiring orientation). Compare your college’s performance on focusing institutional policy on creating the conditions for learning with the performance of a group of similar colleges or to the full SENSE Cohort. Give examples of initiatives that your college has developed (or plans to develop) to focus institutional policy in this way on your campus(es). 64 Source: 2015 SENSE data
Closing Remarks and Questions
Closing Remarks 66
Questions? 67