IVRA Conference July 19, 2012 Public Access to Voter Registration Records Retention Requirements Reminder: Military and Overseas Voters have special registration procedures.
Public Access to VR Public Perception v. the Law Public Perception that their own voter registration records are private. Notwithstanding political mailings and poll lists… The Public Records Law provides, as a general rule, that all paper voter registration records may be “inspected and copied”.
Exceptions Confidential Information Records concerning declinations to register at voter registration agency (IC ) Records indicating “the identity of the voter registration agency through which a person registered”, such as BMV or WIC (IC ) Records of “attorney general confidentiality program for abused persons) (IC )
Attorney General Confidentiality Program Not the same as a generic “Protective Order” Application to participate must be submitted to and approved by Attorney General. Participation for 2 years, and can be renewed. Small, but growing, population in program.
Inspection and Copying Original Paper Records Posting information about policies and fees: Office can require written request to inspect or copy. IC Office can require request to identify with “reasonable particularity” the documents being sought. “Purpose of request” cannot be required to produce documents.
Copying Fees County council (fiscal body) to adopt fee schedule (not more than 10 cents per page, or “actual cost”, whichever greater. IC ) Posting copying fee schedule can reduce confusing or controversy.
Electronic VR Lists Do you have to provide an electronic list of the voters in your county upon request? A. What is county policy? B. Is it for commercial use? C. Is it a customized report for this user, or is it a standard report that you produce?
County Policy County Election Board required to adopt policy about whether county voter registration office DOES or DOES NOT provide copies of VR information in electronic format. (IC ). Do you have a copy of your county election board’s policy? If not, ask CEB to address this requirement now, with written decision to be included in CEB minutes.
County Policy - Application Must be “uniform and nondiscriminatory” Cannot treat candidates or political parties differently than everyone else.
Commercial Uses – VR Information Computerized VR Information can only be provided by county AFTER person completes and signs VRG-24 form – Application for County Voter Registration Computerized Data
Commercial Uses – VR Information
Prohibited Uses Computerized VR info cannot be: Used to solicit merchandise, goods, services, or subscriptions (such as to newspapers) Sold, loaned, given, or delivered to another person for purpose other than political activities or political fundraising
Customized Reports Public Records Law does not require county voter registration office to produce “customized reports upon request.” What you do for one, you do for all – “uniform nondiscriminatory policy” IC Once you create a record, it is presumably a public record.
VR Record Retention As long as individual voter is “active” or “inactive”, keep everything: Original application Transfers and updated voter registration applications, even duplicates Mailings to or correspondence with voter
VR Record Retention Once voter’s registration is CANCELLED, Keep all documents for that voter for at least 2 years after cancellation. May be convenient to dispose of records in batches, based on date of general elections. For example, since more than 2 years have passed since the 2008 election, so any cancelled registration record from 2008 or earlier can be disposed of.
VR Record Retention Schedule As a “rule of thumb”, keep everything for 2 years, including: Rejected registration applications. Declinations from voter registration agencies. All voter list maintenance program documents, including postcards, lists, and other info received or created as part of program. Cancellations received for out-of-state voters. Poll lists (even though 22 months required).
VR Record Retention When time comes to dispose of VR records, transfer to county commission on public records for disposal. IC Need space? Original registration affidavits may be stored in “secure location outside of county VR office.” IC
Military & Overseas Voters - Reminders Extended voter registration deadline: VR application from Military and Overseas voters can be received as late as Monday, October 29, Federal Postcard Combined Application: See federal “Standard Form 76A” – both a registration application and request for absentee ballot.
Military & Overseas Voters - Reminders Super extended voter registration deadline: Certain military, spouses, and dependants not civilian overseas) can register and vote as late as noon on election day in very specific cases. Must have been absent from Indiana during regular registration period (ending October 9), and now back home. Show discharge or reassignment order dated during last registration period.
Military & Overseas Voters - Reminders Super extended voter registration deadline: Military voter or family member who qualifies under this special procedure must vote: In person at circuit court clerk’s office Cast an absentee ballot
Military & Overseas Voters - Resources Federal Voting Assistance Program U.S. Department of Defense For both military and overseas voters