Moderation School Based Clinic
What is “moderation”? Balance Within reason Not excessive or extreme
Is the adage “Everything in moderation” true?
Think about your daily life… What are some activities that you do? What applies to “moderation”? What does not apply?
It’s hard!
About things that should be done in moderation, how do you do it? What tips can you share?
What’s your motivation for doing your activities in moderation? Kid President’s Pep Talk to Teachers & Students gs&noredirect=1 “They say that time changes things, but actually you have to change them yourself.” -Andy Warhol
We all know ways to stay healthy; it’s doing them that’s tricky. Find your motivation Talk to friends and family Talk to your health professionals (including the School Based Clinic!) Join supportive groups in person or on line
All about Priorities “I don’t have time for that” “It’s not a priority”
You have the same amount of time in a day as Helen Keller, author, activist, & lecturer (while deaf & blind) Beyonce, amazingAlbert Einstein, physicist
What are healthy/good activities that you feel you don’t have time for? Use your circle handout to create a pie chart of your daily activities. 1/2 day = 12 hours 1/3 day = 8 hours (sleep?) 1/4 day = 6 hours (school) (sleep?) 1/8 day = 3 hours 1/12 day = 2 hours Is this what you want? What activities could you sacrifice or shorten?
From a blog post on how to quit Facebook… What are effects of using Facebook? Are there benefits? What are effects of using Facebook too much?
Exercise Effects of inactivity: High blood pressure, heart disease, muscle loss, anxiety, depression, cancer… Effects of moderate activity: Low blood pressure, increase bone density, strong immune system, speed digestion, reduce body fat… Effects of excess activity: Weak immune system, decrease appetite, dehydration, sleep problems, depression, loss of concentration…
Eating Effects of under eating: Vitamin/nutrient deficiencies, muscle loss, kidney failure, heart attack, mood swings… Effects of balanced eating: More energy; better concentration; strong immune system; lower risk of kidney stones, heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes… Effects of over eating: Digestive problems, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, fatigue…
Everyday life is an exercise in moderation, and it takes effort.
What can you do when life feels out of control? Seek support Do something active Talk Make lists/prioritize Keep a calendar Listen to music Change your environment What works for you?
What can you do when you can’t get motivated to do anything? Seek support (in person & online) Focus on one goal – Exciting – Realistic – Plan steps Think about benefits over challenges Replace negative thoughts Take care of your body Keep going What works for you? “What would I be doing right now if I was serious about __________?”
Thank you!