RDA/US Adoption Seed Projects RDA/US is partnering with four groups as part of the MacArthur 2016 Adoption Seeds program Bringing visibility to food security data results: harvests of PRAGMA and RDA Implementation of the Research Data Alliance Data Citation Recommendations at the Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) Moving Biomedical Big Data sharing forward: an adoption of the RDA Data Citation of Evolving Data Recommendation to Electronic Health Records Opening up Northern Forest Research Data – Improving Citation and Documentation Systems to Increase Participation in Publishing Data RESEARCH DATA ALLIANCE UNITED STATES RDA 7 th Plenary in Tokyo 2016
PRAGMA Data Service PRAGMA/Rocks compute VMs Rice genome variant discovery Bringing visibility to food security data results: harvests of PRAGMA and RDA Beth Plale, Indiana University, USA; Jason Haga, AIST, Japan Future Uses Persistent ID Types (PIT) Data Type Registry (DTR) Launch the use of two RDA products in Asia by utilizing the PRAGMA community and tools to work with a new rice genome group in the Philippines and implement software services at AIST (Japan) using the outputs of the PID Information Types and Data Type Registries Working Groups. The software will be installed additionally at the National Data Service to stimulate adoption in the US.
Implementation of the Research Data Alliance Data Citation Recommendations at the Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO) Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) PI: Cynthia Chandler Community: BCO-DMO provides data management support throughout the full research data lifecycle to marine research investigators. “We propose to implement the WG-DC recommendations to support citation of multiple versions of the BCO-DMO data.” RESEARCH DATA ALLIANCE UNITED STATES RDA 7 th Plenary in Tokyo 2016
Moving Biomedical Big Data sharing forward: an adoption of the RDA Data Citation of Evolving Data Recommendation to Electronic Health Records Washington University in St. Louis Co-PIs: Leslie McIntosh, Cynthia Hudson-Vitale Community: Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside (i2b2) - an NIH-funded National Center for Biomedical Computing (NCBC) Three goals – Integrate the RDA recommendations for Data Citation of Evolving Data into the WU Center for Biomedical Informatics instance of i2b2 by modifying the open source code to account for the recommendations at the query or project level. – Contribute all source code back to the i2b2 open source community via GitHub for wider adoption and implementation among all i2b2 users (currently 50 translational science centers, 34 academic health centers, 2 HMO’s, 20 international organizations, 4 companies). – Gather feedback about RDA WGDC-compliant i2b2 code from established i2b2 installations; obtain projected timelines of compliant code integration, barriers to implementation, RESEARCH DATA ALLIANCE UNITED STATES RDA 7 th Plenary in Tokyo 2016
Opening up Northern Forest Research Data – Improving Citation and Documentation Systems to Increase Participation in Publishing Data University of Vermont Co-PIs: Jennifer A. Pontius, James A. Duncan Community: Vermont Monitoring Cooperative (VMC), which maintains a long- standing repository of research and monitoring data relevant to assessing the condition of Vermont’s forested ecosystems. Addressing Data Citation and Data Typing – upgrade the VMC data catalog infrastructure to implement the Scalable Dynamic Data Citation Working Group recommendation, increasing the potential benefits of contribution by key researchers and improve the ability to of users to cite data and track its history; – implement the Data Types Registry Working Group recommendation to improve the rigor of documentation and help users better and more quickly understand the data in the VMC holdings; and – assess the impact of the implemented changes through user testing and identify additional barriers to data publishing. RESEARCH DATA ALLIANCE UNITED STATES RDA 7 th Plenary in Tokyo 2016