Federal Emergency Management Agency Documentation Preparation
Federal Emergency Management Agency 406 HMP Documentation Preparation Hazard mitigation proposal Case Management File Project Worksheet NEMIS review
Federal Emergency Management Agency Slide 6- 3 PAC/PO/Specialist Responsibilities Discuss with the applicant hazard mitigation program Discuss with the applicant hazard mitigation program Help them identify: Help them identify: Projects Scope of work Costs Special Considerations Identify need to request additional technical expertise Identify need to request additional technical expertise
Federal Emergency Management Agency Slide 6- 4 Case Management File (CMF) Document how the mitigation measures were identified. Document how the mitigation measures were identified. Document alternative options that were considered Document alternative options that were considered List all individuals and agencies involved in the decision making process. List all individuals and agencies involved in the decision making process. List other pertinent information. List other pertinent information.
Federal Emergency Management Agency Slide 6- 5 Project Worksheet In scope of work note if: In scope of work note if: Hazard Mitigation Proposal attached Codes and standards provides mitigation Repair/construction practices provides mitigation Mitigation considered but not technically feasible
Federal Emergency Management Agency Slide 6- 6 Project Worksheet Preparation Attach HMP Attach HMP Check Mitigation under Special Considerations Check Mitigation under Special Considerations Review proposal for environmental and historical issues Review proposal for environmental and historical issues Review final product with applicant and state Review final product with applicant and state
Federal Emergency Management Agency Slide 6- 7 Hazard Mitigation Proposal (HMP) Scope of work Scope of work Damage description Sketches/pictures Repair to pre-disaster condition Mitigation measure Method used to determine cost-effectiveness Estimate of work Estimate of work Materials/Description Costs Materials not needed in PW estimate if HMP is approved Approvals – Special Consideration Issues Approvals – Special Consideration Issues
Federal Emergency Management Agency Slide 6- 8 HMP Worksheet Preparation
Federal Emergency Management Agency Slide 6- 9 SCOPE OF WORK This building sits in the 100 year floodplain in the floodway. It has sustained repeated flooding in the past. Replace 595 SQ FT of damaged sheetrock with 595 SQ FT of waterproof wall paneling that can be easily removed if the building is flooded. Replace the particleboard vanity with a ceramic pedestal sink. This HMP qualifies as “wet flood proofing” as listed in FEMA Policy Appendix A
Federal Emergency Management Agency Slide ESTIMATE OF WORK
Federal Emergency Management Agency Slide SIGNATURE SECTION
Federal Emergency Management Agency Slide NEMIS – Scope of Work/Cost
Federal Emergency Management Agency Slide NEMIS – Mitigation Activity Tab