Muslim and Arab Americans Diverse Minorities By Lindsay Price
I was very interested to learn more about Muslims and Arab Americans after reading the chapter in our book. The groups seem so diverse and different that I wanted to explore them more and discover the unique differences and similarities they shared. Their unique cultural heritage and the beliefs they hold true to spark my curiosity. I was also surprised to find our that there is a large population of Muslims in the United States. I was curious to know where their homelands were, and why they chose to come to America.
Table of Contents Muslim American4-5 Issues of Prejudice and Discrimination 6-7 Arab Americans 9-10
Muslim Americans One of the most racially diverse religious groups in the United States 1.3 billion followers worldwide Guided by the teachings of the Qur’an revealed by Muhammad
Muslim Americans % African American % South Asian % Arab % other
Issues of Prejudice and Discrimination Orentalism: The simplistic view of the people and history of the Orient with no recognition of change over time or the diversity within its many cultures. Edward Said wrote a book called Orientalism that talks about the lens that we look through and the way it makes us see people.
Issues of Prejudice and Discrimination Islamophobia: A range of negative feelings toward Muslims and their religion that ranges from generalized intolerance to hatred. These feelings were amplified after 9/11. Misrepresentations of Muslim faith and heritage.
Arab Americans Immigrants and their descendants from the countries that now make up the Arab world. 22 nations of North Africa and what is popularly called the Middle East. The Arabic language is the single most unifying force among Arabs.
Arab Americans Estimates of 3 million people with Arab ancestry in the United States. Not uniformly distributed throughout the U.S. Largest populations in Las Angles, Chicago, New York City, Washington D.C., and Detroit Michigan.