Global Present Reality, Future Environment and Opportunities Prepared by Chris Sleath 10/24/12
Country Stages - Current Situation
Population of Top 20 Countries Source: The Future of the Global Church downloadable eBook,
Urban vs. Rural Populations Source: The Future of the Global Church downloadable eBook,
The World’s Most Populous Cities Source: The Future of the Global Church downloadable eBook,
Global Political Freedom Source: The Future of the Global Church downloadable eBook,
Mobile Phones as % of Population Source: The Future of the Global Church downloadable eBook,
Major Religious Streams Source: The Future of the Global Church downloadable eBook,
Average Annual Rate of Growth of Major Religions Source: The Future of the Global Church downloadable eBook,
Progress of World Evangelization Source: The Future of the Global Church downloadable eBook, % of World Population Evangelized
20 Evangelical Countries Source: The Future of the Global Church downloadable eBook,
Evangelization / Country / Population in 2000 Using WEC Data Source: The Future of the Global Church downloadable eBook,
Churches and the Sending of Missionaries Source: The Future of the Global Church downloadable eBook, Average number of missionaries Sent by country (in thousands) Average number of Protestant, Independent and Anglican churches needed to send one missionary
Sending Missionaries By Continent Source: The Future of the Global Church downloadable eBook, Key: AfAsLa = African, Asia and Latin America
Top 20 Missionary Sending Countries Source: The Future of the Global Church downloadable eBook,
World’s Largest Mission Agencies, 2010 Source: The Future of the Global Church downloadable eBook,