Linda Duck
You’ve SURVIVED!!! So far… Right?
Linda Duck
What is the Profile of a Toddler? Attachment, the glue that binds and why it is critical Attunement, understanding that child of “yours” The autonomy process, what to expect and why, (this includes a chat about sharing and play) Understanding Anger (ours and theirs) and how to use your most powerful Self, not to mention theirs! Parenting in Private and why it’s important Discipline vs. Punishment (What will you use?) Teaching kids “how to think” not what to think and why How to talk to kids: -Tip…be close and get down to their level -Big Tip…Use your heart and your head -Another Big Tip…Less is more! -Yet another Major Tip…Asking will open up a mind, telling will probably shut it down Linda Duck
or think???... Power Talk, how to use it and when Healthy Fertilizer…the teaching component The difference between reinforcers and bribes Choose your battles, (life threatening, morally threatening, unsafe) Some of my favorite behavior management strategies and how to use them effectively Early Intervention The importance of Self Care, Relationship Maintenance Linda Duck