Bell Ringer: Vocabulary Console (v.) “Everything will be alright,” she whispered calmly, consoling her grief-stricken mother with a warm hug.
Bell Ringer: Vocabulary Console (v.)= to lessen grief, sorrow, or disappointment; to give comfort. (consoling = giving comfort) A doctor consoling his patient.
Bell Ringer: Vocabulary Cynical (adj.) Almost one year ago today, one cynical student loudly exclaimed, “Americans will never elect Barack Obama president!”
Bell Ringer: Vocabulary Cynical (adj.) = bitterly distrustful or skeptical
ALL TOGETHER NOW! SWBAT compose effective introductory paragraphs.
Review: Hooks Find your notes in Writers’ Secrets! 1. What are hooks? What is their purpose? 2. Where do hooks appear in an essay? In an introductory paragraph? 3. What are the characteristics of an effective hook?
Review: Background Information Find your notes in Writers’ Secrets! What is background information, and what is its purpose? How many sentences of background information should you include in a five- paragraph essay?
So…when do I write my introduction? When writing a five- paragraph essay, you should write your introductory paragraph only AFTER you have brainstormed your thesis statement and examples. Thesis Statement Subtopic 1Subtopic 2Subtopic 3 A. B. A. B. A. B. 1. Read Prompt 2. Brainstorm Thesis Statement and Examples 3. Compose Introduction
Practice Time: Worksheet Work INDIVIDUALLY. Allow others to work. Write BRILLIANT ideas! Earn stickers for successfully completing each portion of the worksheet. Assist students as needed. Provide stickers for successfully completed portions. Play music (iff – if and only if – conditions are right). Students will…Ms. Fitz will…
Closing Define consoling. Define cynical. What must I include in an introductory paragraph, and in what order must they appear? Why must I write a hook when composing an essay? Why must I include background information? During the essay writing process, when do I write my introductory paragraph? What will my quiz look like tomorrow?