Council of Bureaux The Green Card System Ulf Blomgren President of CoB 15 September 2005, Sinaia, Romania
Council of Bureaux Cooperation Council of Bureaux Romanian Bureau Fully functioning bureau! Solid leadership. Resolve and progress to deal with delayed payments and insolvency among members. Take part in joint co-operation in the CoB newly elected to the Management Committee.
Council of Bureaux The Green Card System 2005 map
Council of Bureaux Cooperation Council of Bureaux Romanian Bureau Membership all together once a year General Assembly in May 1½ day formal meeting including work-shop. A lot of informal contacts at the GA. Committees, standing, and working groups for longer periods (projects) or ad hoc.
Council of Bureaux Cooperation Council of Bureaux Romanian Bureau These committees and working groups (6 + 8) comprise members spread over Europe according to rules for regional representation. Romania at present member of 3 committees/working groups. A small Secretariat in London (6 people) which will be moved to Brussels 2006.
Council of Bureaux On the Agenda currently Bulgaria and Romania, EU-membership and adherence to the MA. Monitoring. The functioning of a bureau. Co-operation with Guarantee Funds. Reinsurance. Constitution. Brussels move. Cooperation Council of Bureaux Romanian Bureau