Presentation Title Here 30pt Arial Report to IFIP General Assembly Santiago, Chile, August 2006
Background CEPIS is a not-for-profit organisation seeking to improve and promote high standards among informatics professionals in recognition of the impact that informatics has on employment, business and society CEPIS currently has 33 members Details to be found at
Governing Body Council comprises nominated representatives of each full member society, and meets twice yearly Day-to-day operations is responsibility of Executive Committee, comprising seven elected members Three staff in Secretariat –Chief Executive (vacant) –Projects Officer –Administrative Assistant
Income Three main sources –Annual member subscriptions –Fees/Royalties from product sales through ECDL-F –CEC part-funding for projects Approximately 75% derives from fees for –European Computer Driving Licence –International Computer Driving Licence
Current Status: Secretariat Executive Committee decided to relocate CEPIS’ offices from Frankfurt to Brussels. Intention to strengthen role in influencing European policies CEPIS now has very suitable office in convenient part of Brussels
Current Status: Projects Harmonise: Review of Professional Certifications e-Skills Forum: To help develop forecasting frameworks for supply and demand projections for ICT professionals
Current Status: Digital Literacy Challenge Seminar co-sponsored with ECDL-F at St. George’s House, Windsor Castle, March ’06 Examined the “Digital Literacy Challenge” Participants included senior representatives from industry, government, EC, professional bodies and academia. Very well received. Intend now to run series covering: –Professionalism –Practitioner Skills –Digital Literacy –Education/research
Current Status: Publications Readership of “Upgrade” electronic technical journal continues to grow. Significant input from CEPIS’ Upenet network. Latest issue to be found at Currently undertaking a review of publications and communications strategy.
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