Unit 4 Page: War & Commercial Independence
A Bold Experiment Objective: I can evaluate the obstacles of the Washington administration. Preview: Answer: Which unit do you feel you need the most help with studying for your midterm? Process: Washington Notes, Hamilton’s Economic Plan On Your Own: Inaugural Address reading/?’s
“About 10 o’clock I bade adieu to Mt. Vernon, to private life, and to domestic felicity; and with a mind oppressed with more anxious and painful sensations than I have words to express, set out for New York…with the best intentions to render service to my country in obedience to its call, but with less hope of answering its expectations.” ~The Diaries of George Washington
George Washington's Presidency George Washington is sworn in as the First President of the United States John Adams is selected as his Vice President
George Washington – Father of the United States Unanimously named president by the Electoral College. Sworn-in in New York City – the temporary capitol of the United States in Would serve and set a 2-term precedent (standard).
First Cabinet Not provided for in the Constitution Vice President – John Adams Secretary of State – Thomas Jefferson Secretary of Treasury – Alexander Hamilton Secretary of War – Henry Knox Cabinet members are the heads of Executive Branch departments that help the President.
Main Goals 1.Ease the tensions in the country 2.Establish strong national government 3.Shape the Executive Branch 4.Gain respect of Britain, France and other Countries 5.Define the role of President
First Major Task: Create a Judiciary Needed a judicial system. Constitution authorized Congress to set up a federal court system, headed by the Supreme Court. No details though. Judiciary Act of 1789 – creating the federal courts – 6 justices on the SCOTUS; John Jay is 1 st Chief Justice.
Alexander Hamilton 1 st Secretary of the Treasury Federalist Created the national bank of America
Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton’s plan for economic recovery Federal government would repay both the national and state debts from the Revolution Proposed to pay off foreign debts and encourage the sale of bonds. A national bank would be created to issue paper money and make loans A high tariff (tax on imports) would be enacted to protect American manufacturers A federal tax would be placed on liquor to raise money for the Treasury (rebellion, 25% tax, yikes!)
The Question of a National Bank Federalist (Hamilton) said YES The Constitution allows Congress to make laws when they are necessary, even if it isn’t written specifically in the Constitution (elastic clause) Democratic-Republicans (Jefferson) said NO If the Constitution doesn’t say you can do it, you can’t do it (strict interpretation)
Two kinds of tariffs Congress refused to pass the high protective tariff Hamilton asked for, but did pass a smaller revenue-producing tariff.. Protective tariff: protects American industry by making foreign imported goods much more expensive then domestic (produced in the U.S.) goods. Hamilton favored this type and wanted a tariff with very high rates. (Who does this help? So who hates it?) Revenue tariff: its purpose is to raise money from imports to run the government, not to protect American industry.