First Grade Lesson 23
Spelling Words
home I want to go home.
hope I hope I get a new bike for my birthday!
rope My dad used a rope to tie the boat to the dock.
rode I rode my bike to town.
rose A rose is growing in my yard.
those I have read all of those books.
like I like to go to school.
nine The dog had nine puppies.
right The sign showed the road turned to the right.
walk The boy will walk to school.
High Frequency Words
brown My favorite color is brown.
city Atlanta is a very large city.
hello My friend said hello!
loudly The coach talked loudly so the players could hear him.
love I love all of my family!
pulled The boy pulled the wagon of toys.
Robust Vocabulary
asserted behave or speak in confident or forceful manner
offended upset, displeased
retorted to answer typically in an angry way
congenial friendly, likable
congregate gather into a crowd
cheerful happy