Who Do I Sail With? NHD 2012 The History Day Ship
Who do I work with - if anyone? “Sails” are good partners you choose to work with. Sails represent quality people who will work hard and share the load in ways that make NHD faster, more efficient, and more enjoyable. 2-5 people make up any group project.
Who do I work with - if anyone? “Anchors” represent people who oftentimes choose to be... 1.Lazy and don’t help much, or... 2.Comedians who provide a lot of laughs but little effort, or... 3.Are simply looking for you to ‘carry’ them through the project or … 4.Want to be “in charge” all the time and do not accept any other ideas or argue all the time.
ANCHORS... Can take up room and slow your ship down. Can sink your “ship” and then you can’t get your project in on time…if ever. (You might have to do a “salvage job” – a last minute catch-up!) Can beg to come on board ship, but once you are out to sea (working on the project) they can hold you back. Can magically turn into “sails” if they are on a quality ship. The risk is yours to take or not take. Can be left behind even though they may be offended. —Make the decision that is best for your “ship” and your needs
Should I always gather “sails” and avoid “anchors”? You can choose to sail alone. Sometimes “sails” get tangled and don’t work well together. If you “sail” alone there is only one sail and it sails the boat very easily. –Less complicated –Fewer distractions –Less confusion –Your project’s success only depends on you—there is no one else to blame.
Sailing Alone? Working As An Individual AdvantagesDisadvantages You will increase your independence. You will be the only decision maker. You can work when and where you want. You will not face differences in opinion and work ethic. You will be responsible for all costs. You won’t use collaborative skills. You won’t have a partner(s) to motivate you during “down times.”
Sailing together? Working as A Group AdvantagesDisadvantages You can improve collaborative skills, You can share project costs. You can make decisions together. You can draw on one another’s strengths and talents. You may have scheduling difficulties. You may have differences of opinions. You may have differences in work ethics. You will have increased communication demands.
Decision Making Time Picking the right people or choosing working alone is one of the key elements in managing a quality NHD project It is one of the first decisions you must make, and it is certainly one of the BIGGEST !!! You will be able to choose your group, but in the end you “sail” or “sink” together. Once you leave the “harbor” on Wednesday 1/18/12 all your “sails” or “anchors” will be on board for the entire trip -- and you cannot “throw them over the side” once you are underway. In other words NO SWITCHING GROUPS!!!