CS 200 – Welcome Web Technology I James Kiley, Instructor
Course Content Create web pages –Formatted with styles –Contain graphics, image maps, and media –Be dynamic (Web 2.0)– react to the user's mouse clicks, mouse hovers, etc. Become conversant in Web terminology, including standards, accessibility, etc. This course is certified for General Education, Language Arts.
Main Software GIMP (free)SSH Secure Shell (free) Kompozer (free) MS Expression Web Notepad++ Internet Explorer Safari for Windows Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome Browser Authoring ImagesUploading
Schedule (Laulima) Schedule has due dates Check Laulima for changes Attendance –Expected for all classes –Required for quizzes, tests, and 2 days of presentations (near end) Class time primarily "hands on" with software
Grading 50% deliverables - Homework on Laulima - Class lab projects - Individual project 50% quizzes and tests -6 quizzes. -4 tests. No make-ups except for serious, documented reasons. Notify instructor that day to avoid mandatory 20% deduction. Late labs: 10% minimum deduction per class day PercentageGrade A A B B B Some type of C 60-69D Below 60F
Resources Class Notes (spiral bound) –$35 cash or check payable to RCUH Laulima Online books from UH Hilo Library
Other Course Policies (see syllabus online) Academic integrity -- work must be your own Incompletes Disability statement Advising statement Notable Dates (see Schedule)
Keys to Success Treat it like a language – a little each day is better than cramming 2 days per week Use the open lab (CH-11B) for extra computer time Optional: download the free software at home Expectation: 1-2 hours outside class for each hour in class (online homework, read book, continue labs, review)
Hawaii CC Digital Media Arts Art Intro to Digital Photography Art Intro to Digital Arts (Photoshop) Art D Computer Graphics I (Maya) Art Digital Imaging Art Image in Motion Studio Art Digital Animation Art D Computer Graphics II
e-Commerce Certificate QBA 365: Managing Electronic Commerce MKT 313: Promotional Strategy MGT 341: Project Management CS 101: Digital Tools CS 200: Web Technology I CS 201: Web Technology II CS 300: Web Site Management
Log On Everyone Use Same Acct (Today Only) Username: CS Password: Jabksj8
Carefully do the following (part 1 of 2) Type Z: Type Notepad++ Drag see
Carefully do the following (part 2 of 2) Save As Double-click yours find yours
Create a Web Page with Notepad Demonstration Follow along as I modify the file
The Goal
Add Tags (Elements) Headings and Paragraphs Horizontal Rule
Bullets and Numbers Bullets are unordered lists: Numbers are ordered lists:
Make it well-formed Structure Tags Add a title:
Well-formed Web Page
1.Bring $35 for textbook 2.Review this PowerPoint and read the next one (click the dates). 3.Study today's handout (Vinyl Flooring). Non-graded quiz during next class to see how you are doing. 4.Plan (on paper) your Lab 01 web page for next class. 5.Try first Online Homework at least once. It is due midnight Tuesday (9/3). 6.Post a self-introduction in Discussions & Private Messages in Laulima. Due Thursday, 8/29/2013. Homework