Warm up – 11/19/13 What is migration? Name 3 reasons why people migrate. Of the 5 themes of geography, which theme is migration an example of?
Characteristics of Migrants Migration selectivity: People who are likely to migrate have certain characteristics (age, marital status, gender, occupation, education)
Ravenstein’s Laws of migration A. short B. big cities C. rural to urban D. males E F. countries G. migration H. increases I. Agricultural J. Economic
Are these laws true for today? Gender? Young adults vs. children or elderly? Rural to urban? Leaving for economic reasons?
Thinking of moving? Place utility: Assessing individual satisfaction with a given area. Migration is a result of this assessment.
Goals of migrants Avoid physical danger and economically unprofitable outcomes Reduce uncertainty Step migration : moving from one area to another by a series of small steps (small town to suburb to big city) Chain migration : Migration of people to a specific location because relatives or members of the same nationality migrated there.
Geography of Refuges 1. country 2. international 4. 12% 5. Asia 6. admission
Geography of refugees 2. 22% 4. 18, 5 C MILLION
WHAT CAUSES REFUGEE MOVEMENTS A. Wars B. Civil Wars C. Political Oppression D. Environmental crisis E. Other
Characteristics of refugees 1. properties 2. foot, wagon 3. documents
Causes of dislocation Colonialism Corrupt and weak government Tribal and ethnic rivalries Lack of nationalism Easy access to weapons War