ASSIGNMENTS Assignment 1 Topical Assignments and Presentations 30% Assignment 2 Reflective paper 40% Assignment 3 Personal leadership development plan 30%
Assignment Category 1 30% Individual Assignments: Personal Vision Statement, Leadership Definition, short papers Team Presentations: Students will work in teams to report to the class on assigned readings in the required texts and other thematic assignments. Role playing, visual representation of vision--- Class Participation: Warm-up’s, Peer Review, Class Discussion--
Assignment 2 Reflective paper 40% Students will prepare a four-to-five page reflective essay that combines an analysis and assessment of their growth and development as a result of participation in the IED program. The essay should be typed, double-spaced, w/size 12 font, spell-checked, and include both a standard and peer review comment sheet. There will be in-class opportunities and outside-of-class opportunities for peer review of each reflective essay.
Format – Suggested Approach Which courses in the M.Ed. program amplified your personal and/or professional vision and how? Choose 4- 5 M.Ed. Courses Describe the course experience How did the course amplify your personal and/or professional vision and how? What are the implications for future practice, how will you approach future situations? Tell a story from your practice/experience that relates to the specific course/s and your amplified vision.
Please consider these questions in developing your reflective paper: What have you learned about yourself and your significant strengths as a teacher/department head/administrator and as a learner? What has changed in your approach to instruction, student learning, curriculum, teacher colleagues, school administration, parents, community and the role of schools in society? What ideas and concepts have made the greatest impact on you and that have been integrated into your professional life? What are your next professional development steps?
In your reflective paper, you may discuss things such as how curriculum is structured for teaching and learning, how research on teaching and learning affects a teacher's role in school, how cultural diversity issues affect teaching and learning, ethical and professional dimensions of teaching how external political and cultural forces impact educational practice and policy Your paper should demonstrate your comfort and skill in using collaborative involvement from your peers this reflective paper should be read and critiqued by two of your peers as you develop the reflective paper. their names and a brief summary of comments should appear on the one-page Reflective Paper Peer Review Comment Sheet. Discuss, consider, demonstrate
Your Reflective Paper – submit at the beginning of last class Cover sheet: APA (refer to style manual) Peer Review Comment Sheet: Names of two cohort peer reviewers – summary comments from each, date, and signature of peer reviewer. Your name, cohort ID Reviewer name – summary comments, date and signature
Assignment % Personal Leadership Development Plan Each student will write a plan for the development of their own leadership covering six months to one-year. The plan will be submitted during the final class session Your plan should be submitted using the template provided Components: Definition of Leadership Personal Vision Statement Timeline At least three leadership variables from the required text Goals Process Outcomes Assessments
PERSONAL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT MATRIX NAME: DATE: Leadership Definition: Personal Vision Statement: 4 P’s (Personal, Present, Positive, Passionate) Timeli ne Leadership Variable Goals aligned with leadership variable Process Activities- Attitudes How Outcomes, Products, Results, Assessments Measures 0- 2mos StrategicTo improve IT IQ at our school Suggest / introduce the concept of teacher representatio n on new faculty hires Wikis established by four faculty groups Improved attendance at team meetings 0- 9mos Interpers onal To promote more effective personal communication No on Fridays school wide other than urgent/requir ed POSTER Competition promoting Face-to-face Fridays Face-to-face Fridays Reported increase in number of face- to-face conversations Expanded networks among faculty and staff Employee morale improved Significant reduction in dependence on
ASSIGNMENT & PEER REVIEW Choose one story from your own practice reflecting how you or others practiced Organizational Leadership and how this experience nurtured and navigated leadership in your school. (prepare a one page typed double-spaced statement for peer review) Choose one course in the M.Ed. program and explain how some aspect of the course amplified your personal and/or professional vision of organizational leadership. What are the implications for future practice, how will you approach future situations as a result? (prepare a one page typed double-spaced statement for peer review)