Derek TsengJennifer Sloan Sunny Peng Katy Hulsman Jia Le He
Meet the Team Jia Le He Katy Hulsman Sunny Peng Jennifer Sloan Derek Tseng
See an image, pattern, or style that you really like How would you find items that resemble what you see? Problem
Solution Take a picture of a style that you like… …and StyleEye will find items that are similar!
Problem and Solution Representative Tasks with Scenarios Design Evolution Current UI Ideas for Future Conclusion Overview
Video Prototype
Focus shifted to front-end User testing revealed people uninterested in back-end People wanted a social aspect Change of Direction
What if you admire someone else’s style? Simple Task: Follow another user Why? People’s styles are influenced by others Scenario 1
What if a style catches your eye? Medium Task: Take a picture and submit it for a style search Why? Taking pictures is a fast and easy way to record something Scenario 2
What if you’re interested in what others consider to be the best styles? Complex Task: Re-post a popular style Why? People are interested in what is popular Scenario 3
Design Evolution
Style Submission 440 – 1 st Iteration My Style Page
440 – 1 st Iteration (cont.) Mechanical Turk View
440 – 2 nd Iteration My Style Page Popular Page
441 – 1 st Iteration Heuristic Evaluation High-Fidelity Prototype iOS Android
Online Usability Study Android Interactive Prototype 441 – 2 nd Iteration Different iterations of Following
441 – 2 nd Iteration (cont.) Holo Theme Horizontal Swipe for Paging New Action Bar
Pilot Usability Study 441 – 3 rd Iteration
Current User Interface
Simple Task: Follow another user Tasks
Moderate Task: Create and submit a new style search Tasks (cont.)
Moderate Task: Create and submit a new style search Tasks (cont.)
Complex Task: Repost a popular style you like Tasks (cont.)
Complex Task: Repost a popular style you like Tasks (cont.)
Demo Video
What’s Next for StyleEye?
Improvements for cropping Following list features User account functionality Wizard-of-Oz: users don’t start with blank slate have preset submissions, replies, and reposts What’s Unimplemented?
What’s the exact metric for “popular”? Possible future directions for the app: Crowdsourcing for style matches Marketing – Department/Clothing Stores Wall for posting personal/trending styles What’s Next?
Conclusion Inspiration can strike anywhere – discover fashion that moves you! StyleEye seeks to help people find clothing items that match their style and preferences quickly and easily Our website: les/styleeye/