Welcome Parents to Palm Bay Magnet High School’s Open House 6-8pm “Discovering the Treasure of STEAM”
World History World History Honors Ms. Jolley, Room
Ms. Jennifer Jolley M.A. in American History and Government National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) (2003, 2013) FL Certified SS Educator grades 6-12 James Madison Fellow (FL-2010) 21 st year of teaching grades 7-12 social studies Taught World History, AP Government, AP US History, and Gifted Endorsed
World History Course Objectives: Understand the growth of civilizations and cultures (early Middle Ages to the present) Understand the interaction of civilizations through diplomacy and wars. Understand the causes and effects of major events throughout history. Improve critical thinking skills
Classroom Resources _School _School ol/JJolley/newsflash2.aspx ol/JJolley/newsflash2.aspx Edmodo Remind App Textbook: World History (Prentice Hall), 2013
Classroom Supplies 100 page, college-ruled, spiral notebook Folder with pockets Loose leaf paper Black pens, pencils Colored pencils Glue sticks (Optional) Post-it notes, tape, student scissors
Interactive Student Notebook Portfolio of student work Class work and HW Assignments Preview and Processing Assignments Graphically organized notes Writing prompts Artistic and creative designs for title pages, vocabulary, notes, and the notebook’s cover
Student Expectations Implement a strong work ethic. Read, comprehend, and analyze text. Write effectively. Participate in class. Maintain regular attendance.
Student Expectations Spend the appropriate amount of time outside of class to complete assignments and readings. Actively participate in class. Understand the fast-paced nature of a rigorous curriculum.
My Classroom Rules: Be respectful. Be prepared. Be prompt. Be responsible. Follow all rules in the Student Handbook.
Assessment Assessments55-60% – Tests, Quizzes, Projects, Papers, ISN Class work 25-30% – Active Participation – Warm-up bell ringers – Collaborative and cooperative groups Homework10-15% *Grades are entered as total points (+/ per quarter). Weight of assignments may be adjusted before finalizing the quarterly grades.
Contact information 4 th period Planning School Phone: (321) , Ext
13 Thank you for attending OPEN HOUSE! 13