8 th ELA Bell Work Take out a sheet of paper and head it properly. Assignment title is Remembering 9-11 Take out a sheet of paper and head it properly. Assignment title is Remembering 9-11 What do you know about this critical day in our history? What do you know about this critical day in our history?
9 / 11 The day that shook the world Silently watch the photo essay that follows and reflect on each image. Make note of which image or images that strike you the most, and why. You should have at least two.
Respond to the following questions on your paper: If you were to write a letter to a first responder (fire fighter, police officer, paramedic, etc.) or someone who lost a love one in 9/11 what would you say to them? Why is It important to commemorate this day in history? What is something we, or you can do personally, to never forget those who perished?