Putting it in perspective…. We are all looking at new models of integrated care from the perspective of the person as opposed to services. This means a focus on outcomes rather than services.
Pioneer Informatics Network: Background and focus Pioneer Informatics Network was established with input from across Pioneers, Central Government and other key stakeholders; Purpose of the Network is to: 1.Overcome informatics barriers experienced by all through a joined up approach with HSCIC, NHSE and DH. These are generally areas of Informatics which can be undertaken once, opening up opportunities for work locally; 2.Share learning, best practice and innovation from Information Management and Technology projects delivered at a local level: simplify, standardise and share; 3.Disseminate findings and good practice across the country;
Health and Wellbeing As A Platform (Leeds version)
Pioneers Informatics Projects: Delivering outcomes not just technology 1. There is a secure, timely and accessible understanding of which organisations are supporting me. 2. Key patient information is available across all organisations so that people like me only need tell their story once. 3. I have a clear understanding of what information is being shared between practitioners and commissioners and there is an agreed basis for this. 4. Practitioners, from all organisations, can access information about me anytime, anyplace and anywhere. 5. There is a bottom up approach to developing person centred applications and services with me and my circle of care and support. 6. There are opportunities for research based on place & person (not organisation) that helps to improve the quality of my care. 7. There is a robust, locality- wide approach to keeping information safe which secures my trust. 8. Organisations can communicate quickly and securely about me. Access to NHS No. Integrated Digital Care Record Info. Sharing for Commissioning Public Sector Network / N3 People Driven Services Whole Place Analytics Next Generation IG Toolkit Secure
Pioneers IDCR Project sxc.hu/gallery/kovik
Design Principles Understand context Keep it simple Build with not for Consistent not uniform sxc.hu/gallery/kovik Start with needs
Five Themes Open Governance Open Requirements Open API’s* Open Source* sxc.hu/gallery/kovik Open Architecture