ASPEC February 2015 Incidents –0 incidents, 0 near misses Hours 31/01/15-27/02/15 11% Site, 1% Travel, 88% Office ASPEC QSHR February 2015 Minutes
ASPEC Sites February 2015 ASPEC QSHR February 2015 Minutes
HSE Activities Client Safety Audit Preparation is still underway for the Newcastle Office annual safety audit by Newcastle Coal Infrastructure (NCIG) in July. Take 5’s This assessment tool is currently being revised prior to re-printing. Once printed they will be distributed throughout the Organisation for use. Site Clothing Should anyone require further supplies just send me an . I have recently sources a ‘light weight’ rain jacket, high-vis with reflective taping. Advise if you need one. Sealed goggles and sunglasses have recently been purchased and distributed to various offices. A REMINDER to check your Hard Hat. Is it still in date? First Aid Kits Don’t forget if you have accessed the first aid kit, take the time to think - ‘Am I using this due to a near miss or incident?’. If so we need to be reporting them. This can easily be done via our members area ASPEC QSHR February 2015 Minutes
HSE Activities Monthly Office Inspections Has your office completed it’s month SAFETY Inspection? No? How about we do one now? Annual Fire Drill Has your office completed it’s annual fire drill? Don’t forget to up-date the details in the ASPEC Fire Drill Register First Aid First Aid Certificate for First Aid Officers have now all been completed in Brisbane & Newcastle. Fire Extinguisher Inspections Has your office completed this recently? Would it be more than 6 months ago? Must be completed every 6months and the ASPEC Inspection Register updated. ASPEC QSHR December 2014 Minutes
Quality Activities Recertification was achieved. Please ensure your office is displaying the updated Policy. Preventative and Corrective Action Can you think of any areas of improvement that you would like to raise? Approved Suppliers Internal Evaluation Have you been liaising with Sub Consultants this month? Please add an evaluation to the register. While you’re here, we can do one now: Client Satisfaction Evaluation Have you been liaising with your Clients this month? Please add some feedback on our performance to the register. We can do one now: ASPEC QSHR February 2015 Minutes
Quality Activities There have been updates in ASPEC Quality documents recently – these have been updated to the website – take a LOOK Lessons Learned Can you share one with the Team now? click on the link: ASPEC QMS Manual Whilst this is currently being updated, the latest version can be here _08_quality_manual.pdf ASPEC QSHR February 2015 Minutes
HR Activities Training Register The previously used training register within Excel has now been exported into a database, where more accurate details can be captured and expiries can be managed efficiently. You may have recently received an individual training record to check. Please advise is there were discrepancies Ensure your emergency contact details are up to date by completing ASPEC QSHR February 2014 Minutes