England and France Develop 14.3
Vikings During earlier times, Britain was continually raided by Danish Vikings. These invaders were fierce. Special prayers in church were said “God deliver us from the fury of the North-men.” Alfred the Great (king from ) finally expelled the Viking invaders.
England – “Land of the Angles” Gradually, Alfred the Great united the kingdom under one rule and named it England. The Angles were one of the Germanic tribes that invaded Britain.
Anglo-Saxons + Vikings In 1013, Danish King Canute conquered England. Molded the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings into one people. In 1066, King Edward died, which left a dispute over the throne.
William the Conqueror The invader was William, Duke of Normandy, who became “William the Conqueror”. Normandy had already been conquered by the Vikings. William the Conqueror was a Viking descendant.
William the Conqueror invaded England and claimed the English crown. He was ambitious and tough. “He was great in body and strong, tall in stature but not ungainly…In speech he was fluent and persuasive, being skilled at all times making clear his will.”
Battle of Hastings Harold Godwinson, was an Anglo-Saxon who also claimed the English throne. Harold was killed by an arrow in his eye. William declared all of England his personal property.
Harold Godwinson William the Conqueror
William the Conqueror’s descendants owned land both in Normandy and in England.
Eleanor of Aquitaine Very remarkable woman Wife of two kings Mother of two kings
Eleanor married Louis VII of France when the Second Crusade began. In 1147, she went with him to the Holy Land. Shortly after, her marriage was annulled. BUT! She was able to keep land she owned in France
Then she married Henry II –They had four sons. –Two became English Kings Richard the Lionhearted John
Henry and Eleanor
King John Richard the Lionhearted
Two goals 1) Keep and add onto their French lands. 2) Strengthen their power over the nobles and the Church.
King Henry II Ruled England from He strengthened the royal courts –Collected taxes –Settled lawsuits –Punished crimes –Introduced the idea of a ‘jury’. –A jury in medieval England was a group of loyal people of the accused who answered questions about the facts of a case.
Common Law Over the centuries, case by case, the rulings of England’s royal judges formed a unified body of law that became known as common law. Today these principles of English common law are the basis for law in many countries, including the U.S.
King John John became king after both Henry II and Richard the Lionhearted died. He ruled from –Failed as a military leader –Nicknamed ‘John Softsword’ –Lost Normandy and lands in France to the French.
King John’s Character Mean to his subjects Tried to squeeze money out of his people Raised taxes to an all-time high to finance his wars. His nobles finally revolted against him.
The Magna Carta On June 15, 1215, the nobles forced King John to sign the most celebrated document in English History. The Magna Carta (Great Charter) guaranteed basic, political rights. –No taxation without representation –Jury trial –Protection of the law –These are now considered basic, legal rights in many countries, including the U.S.
Why is the Magna Carta such a big deal? It’s important because we are seeing the king’s power becoming limited. The king can no longer do whatever he wants. The king also has to follow the rules of the Magna Carta
King Edward I In 1295, King Edward I wanted to hang onto the last bit of remaining French land, therefore he need to raise taxes to finance the war.
Parliament is created Edward summoned citizens of wealth and property (called burgesses) and knights to serve as a legislative group. The creation of Parliament is another important step in limiting the King’s power and moving toward a democratic government.
Parliament strengthens Over the next century, the king called the knights and burgesses whenever a new tax was needed. Parliament eventually split off into the House of Lords (nobles and bishops) and the House of Commons (commoners).
Capetian Dynasty rules France After the breakup of Charlemagne’s empire, French counts and dukes ruled their lands independently under the feudal system. By the year 1000, France was divided into 30 feudal territories. After the last Carolingian ruler died, Hugh Capet, an undistinguished duke, took his place.
Hugh Capet The Capet family only ruled a small territory, but at its heart stood Paris. The Capetian Dynasty of French kings ruled France from They eventually extended their power to unite all of France.
Philip II
Philip II (Philip Augustus) One of the most powerful Capetian kings. Ruled from Became king at age 15 He set out to weaken the power of the English king. Had little success against Henry II or Richard the Lionhearted, but when King John took over, it was another story.
Phillip earned the name ‘Augustus’ from the Latin word meaning ‘Majestic’. He seized Normandy from King John in 1204 and in two years had gained other territories. By the end of Phillip’s reign, he had tripled his land.
Louis IX Philip II’s grandson Ruled from Made France’s central government even stronger. –Created a French appeals court
Louis IX was known as the ideal king. After his death, he was made a saint by the Catholic Church.
Philip IV Ruled from Involved in a quarrel with the pope in 1302 The pope refused to allow priests to pay taxes to the king. Philip disputed the right of the pope to control church affairs in his kingdom.
The French king also called a meeting with his lords and bishops when he needed support for his policies. To win wider support against the pope, Philip IV decided to allow commoners in this meeting.
Estates-General In France, church leaders were known as the First Estate Great lords were the Second Estate The commoners that Philip invited to participate became known as the Third Estate. The whole meeting was called the Estates-General.