CSC Java Programming, Fall, 2008 Week 2: Java Data Types, Control Constructs, and their C++ counterparts, September 9
References GNU make docs. has on-line docs. class lib. /export/home/faculty/parson/JavaLang on Make sure that /usr/jdk/jdk1.6.0_02/bin is near the front of UNIX PATH. Follow instructions in the JavaShellSetup.pdf document (accessible via my home page at to set up and verify your Java compilation environment.JavaShellSetup.pdf
Boolean example code /export/home/faculty/parson/JavaLang/week1/bool Make sure you have a copy of this. cp –pr ~parson/JavaLang/week1/bool ~/JavaLang/week1/bool Program verifies valid command line args. 1. Program reads command line into an array of floats, raising an Exception if any of the command line arguments is not a float. 2. Verify that array is in ascending order using &&. 3. Verify that array is in ascending order using ||.
Booleans Boolean variables and constants boolean isSortedAnd = true, isOutOfOrderOr = false ; Boolean expressions isOutOfOrderOr || ! isLessThanOrEqual(numbers[i], numbers[i+1]) Condition control constructs use booleans if (isSortedAnd != ! isOutOfOrderOr) { Conditional expressions use booleans System.exit(isSortedAnd ? 0 : 1);
Class java.lang.System is equivalent to C++ cin. import java.util.Scanner ; Scanner inputScanner = new Scanner(; System.out and System.err are equivalent to C++ cout and cerr. System.out.println("sort result = " + isSortedAnd); System.exit(0) causes the process to exit with status of 0, meaning there is no error. A non-0 exits status signifies an error.
Creating Java Arrays Arrays are constructed using new (like C++). “float [] numbers ;” creates a null array reference. float [] numbers = new float [ INTEGER_SIZE ] ; Java implicitly initializes an array of numbers with 0. Booleans gets false, chars get ‘\0000’. float [] numbers = {1.9F, 2.9F, 3.4F, 3.5F} ; Myclass [] myobject = new Myclass[ INTEGER_SIZE ] ; Java initializes an array of object references with null. Java objects and arrays created using “new” need not be “deleted.” JAVA HAS GARBAGE COLLECTION!
Using Java Arrays “String [] args” is the parameter for Java main. public static void main(String args[]) { main is needed for running a class from the UNIX command line. Expression “numbers.length” gives the number of elements in the array. if (args.length == 0) { float [] numbers = new float [ args.length ] A subscript access and element of an array numbers[i] = Float.parseFloat(args[i]);
Helper class java.util.Arrays Utility methods for manipulating arrays. public static int[] copyOf(int[] original, int newLength); public static void fill(int[] a, int val); public static void sort(int[] a); public static int binarySearch(int[] a, int key); public static T[] copyOf(T[] original, int newLength); public static void sort(T[] a, Comparator c) ;Comparator Comparator int compare(T o1, T o2) returns -1 or 0 or 1 for o1 o2 respectively.T
Multidimensional Arrays int [][] matrix ; // an array of arrays, null int [][] matrix = new int[4][3]; // 4 rows of 3 int [][] matrix = { // See Figure 6.11, p. 204 {1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}, {10, 11, 12} }; matrix[0][0] is the initial element of the initial row matrix[3][2] is the last element of the last sub-array (last column of the last row)
“Ragged Arrays” int [][] triangle = { // p. 205 {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, {2, 3, 4, 5}, {3, 4, 5}, {4, 5}, {5} }; int [][] triangle = new int [5][]; for (int i = 0 ; i < triangle.length ; i++) { triangle[i] = new int [triangle.length – i]; } triangle[1].length gives the length of the second sub-array triangle[1], which == 4.
Handling an exception from a library method Read on-line doc on java.lang.Float.parseFloat try { numbers[i] = Float.parseFloat(args[i]); } catch (NumberFormatException nfexp) { System.err.println("format error on " + args[i] + ": " + nfexp.getMessage()); isSortedAnd = false ; isOutOfOrderOr = true ; // Initialize array element to a default value. numbers[i] = 0.0F ; }
Notes on the makefile If you run a test that you intend to fail – System.exit(NON-0) – then put a “-” in front of that command invocation in the makefile. -java $(PACKAGE).$(BASENAME) fred Also, since your error messages are sent to System.err, you need to redirect System.err to a file to capture its output to use with diff. >> $(BASENAME).out 2>&1 >> $(BASENAME).out 2>$(BASENAME).err
Programming practices Always handle exceptions! We may handle some by explicitly ignoring them. Always use { curly braces } for control blocks. Use coding standards that we discuss in class. Write Javadoc documentation. Use both healthy and degenerate tests. » Ignoring these rules will cost you points.