Träff 1 Introduktion Lärande samtal Theories of Learning Day 5 TEMP
Program 08.30Lecture Apple Break 10.00Written assignment Lunch Examination assignment 14.15Look at the photos Evaluation Thank you and see you back in May!
Lecture Apple: Ideology and Curriculum Lecture 3 and 4
Reflections on Ideology and curriculum Education is not neutral Use an Afghan perspective and write down your reflections in a critical way. - How has it been earlier? - How is it today? - What will it be like tomorrow?
Suggestions on aspects Religion Culture History Globalization Impact from Western countries Economical growth Modernization Privatization Class differences? Politics Knowledge ?
EXAMINATION ASSIGNMENT Aim: –The student is expected to present his/her knowledge and understanding of the theories of learning dealt with in the course by connecting to and reflecting on his/her experiences of teaching practice. The assignment is connected to the expected learning outcomes of the course.
Examination assignment - headings 1.Introduction: Something about the connection between learning theories and practice (r) 2.Aim: 3.Theoretical background: Description of the three major learning theories (r) 4.”Teaching in Practice”: The text you have written about your lesson. 5.Analyse: Analyse your text called ”Teaching in Practice” by referring to the course literature and consider the following question: –How do you understand the “Teaching in Practice” from the major learning theories presented in the course? (r) 6.Discussion : Discuss in a critical way how the course has influenced your way to look upon your ”Teaching in Practice”. Consider the following questions: –What concepts in the different theories confirm and challenge my ”Teaching in Practice”? What have I learnt? What would I like to improve? (r) 7.Reference list (r) = Remember to refer to the literature
Groups HassanulhaqSharifa Allah MohammedNasar AhmadzaiZargona ShafiqueAbdul Jabar AttaullahShafiullah Habibullah RamizMujtaba AhmadwaliFahima Abdul MalikFatima Abdul HamidAsil Gul AnitaWali Khan Razia Wolayat khan
Picture slide
Evaluation : To what extend have the following activities, during course week 2, helped you to reach the learning outcomes of the course so far. In what way: Learning outcomes Distinguish between the major theories of learning. Identify perspectives within major theories of learning. Explain with practical examples theories presented in the course. Present written assignments which could describe, analyze and criticize the major learning theories with the help of the given literature. Based on learning theories understand and explain learning obstacles. 1) has it helped you and 2) what can be better?: –Lectures –Literature and articles –Learning literature seminar (How children think and learn) –Conceptual maps –Evaluation of concepts –Group discussions, (the articles) –Pair discussions (Learning Theories) –Written assignment ”Teaching in Practice” –Analysing the texts ”Teaching in Practice” –The three dimension as a tool for analyses