First Nations Connect Conference Keewaytinook Okimakanak Smart Team Members Valhalla Inn, Thunder Bay February, 2002 Kuh-ke-nah Smart First Nations Demonstration Project "Making The Connections" Telecommunications and Development in Keewaytinook Okimakanak First Nations
Community Memorial Feast Deer Lake Youth Camp Wilderness Canoe Training Upgrading the Connections
Making the Connections Work From the school To the Band Office To other office buildings Today, using their own dedicated 128kbps data satellite service and a 512 kbps, on-demand service Satellite served 5
Making the Connections Work From the school To the Band Office To the home
Making the Connections Work From one phone (1999) To satellite a data connection to the school, band office, health centre and police station (spring 1999) To the shared high speed data connection available at the NSL e-Centre (for public access) and in every building using their new cable system (Dec 2001).
Digital Map of Community Abe Scatch Memorial School Web Site Poplar Hill Business Centre Installing the Cable System