Challenges Opportunities 1.Current site has a dated look and feel and limited education…Opportunity to create sterility assurance leader presence and expand information to ensure greater compliance. 2.Today the web site is non-branded. Opportunity to reinforce and brand Henry Schein (in partnership with Crosstex) as the leaders in biological monitoring. 3.Built upon legacy technology platform…a new Platform provides stronger security measurements, comprehensive analytics, live chat capabilities, timely content management updates, and compatibility with new on-the-go devices (i.e. ipads). 4.Current site architecture does not allow for Henry Schein Marketing & Educational Information. Revised site can be used to drive customers to Henry Schein website, webinars, product information and/or videos.
Reports are already co-branded Example: Initial Test Report
Reports are already co- branded Example: Reminder Report
Reports are already co- branded Example: Sterilizer Test Result Report
Reports are already co- branded Example: Sterilizer Test Report
Proposed Redesign at Clean Professional Design, Secure Technology Until customer credentials are provided site is branded Crosstex allowing us to field your support calls, customer compliance questions New hotline number developed at Sterile
Live Chat for Test / Compliance Questions Co-Branded Company logos linked to companies websites for customer ease Allows space for Henry Schein Marketing & Educational Information: Drive customers to relevant sterility webinars, products, didactic videos. Co-Branded Test Result Pages at (once customer logs in with credentials)
Thank You. Because You Can’t See Sterile.