To go I go I am going You goYou are going He goesHe is going We goWe are going They goThey are going
Ir – to go
The five forms of “ir” are: vamos van voy vas va
This verb is unusual. Yo voy means “I am going” Vas means “you are going” Va means “he, she, anything sing. Is going. Vamos means “we are going” Van means “they, you (pl.) are going.
When you have “going”, don’t translate “am” “is” “are” Example: Is Luke going to study? Don’t translate the “is”. ¿Va Luke a estudiar?
Example: Am I going to dance? Don’t translate the “am” ¿Voy yo a bailar?
Jessica isn’t going to swim. Jessica no va a nadar. Notice how you don’t translate the “is”. Notice that the “not” turns into a “no” and is placed before the verb. Now, notice the “a”.
The verb “ir” is nearly always followed by an “a” example: Emily and Becca are going to the store. Ellas van a la tienda.
Brad y Kaylah van a besar.
Jazmine, Lusenda, Tanner, and I are going to sing. Nosotros vamos a cantar
Let’s review: Voyvamos Vas Vavan When you have the word “going” in a sentence, don’t translate “am”, “is”, “are”. The five forms of “ir” are: Don’t forget to add an “a” after this verb.
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