Belmont Ridge Middle School Home of the River Hawks
Motivated…. Dedicated… Educated!
Mission of LCPS The mission of Loudoun County Public Schools is empowering ALL students to make meaningful contributions to the world The mission of Loudoun County Public Schools is empowering ALL students to make meaningful contributions to the world This mission is accomplished by cultivating a high-performing team of professionals who deliver effective and efficient support for student success This mission is accomplished by cultivating a high-performing team of professionals who deliver effective and efficient support for student success
Mission of BEMS -- Belmont Ridge Middle School ensures the future success of our students, by providing an equitable, engaging environment of educational success. -- Develop knowledgeable critical thinkers, communicators, collaborators, creators, and contributors.
“To treat all children the same is to favor some and penalize others.”
Belmont Ridge Team Dr. HitchmanPrincipal Mr. McKenzieAssistant Principal Mr. SurmaAssistant Principal Mrs. CarpenterDean Mr. Skinner Dean Mrs. ZimmermanDean Mrs. MawyerCounselor Teachers!
Belmont Ridge Team Mrs. Katie Chiet…. English Language Arts Mrs. Katie Chiet…. English Language Arts Ms. Christine Spinosa... Math Ms. Christine Spinosa... Math Mrs. Sharon Drow... Science Mrs. Sharon Drow... Science Mrs. Cindy Donehoo... Social Studies Mrs. Cindy Donehoo... Social Studies Mrs. Robblee & Mr. Schear... Music Mrs. Robblee & Mr. Schear... Music Ms. Aryn Garfield… Art Ms. Aryn Garfield… Art Mrs. Emily Martin… Special Education Mrs. Emily Martin… Special Education Ms. Jeri Williams… Spectrum Ms. Jeri Williams… Spectrum
Parent Organization Support our School… Join the PTO!!!!! Be a part of an amazing group! Volunteer Sponsor major school events and keep up with community events! Membership forms are on the BEMS website. PTO President: Mrs. Katherine Stethem Parent Liaison: Mrs. Kristan Ash
Block Schedule 45 minute periods or 90 minute blocks 45 minute periods or 90 minute blocks Classes meet every other day (except Lang. Arts and Math) Classes meet every other day (except Lang. Arts and Math) 5 Classes Per Day 5 Classes Per Day Music… 45 minutes every other day Music… 45 minutes every other day Art/Keyboarding… 90 minutes every other day for one semester Art/Keyboarding… 90 minutes every other day for one semester
Sample Student Schedule A DAYB Day 1 ELA Lab/Math Lab5 Language Arts 2 Art/Keyboarding6 Resource/Music Lunch 11:47-12:17Lunch 11:47-12:17 3 History 7 Science 4 PE/Health8 Math
Academics Provide an enriching and challenging academic program. Choose courses carefully to meet the needs of your child.
COURSE SELECTIONS All 6 th graders take the following courses: Language Arts Language Arts History History Science Science Math Math PE/Health PE/Health Resource Resource Keyboarding and Art (semester of each) Keyboarding and Art (semester of each) Electives: Music Lab (Guitar), Chorus, Band, & Strings Electives: Music Lab (Guitar), Chorus, Band, & Strings
Schedule Options - 6 th Grade Math (Math 6 or Accelerated Math 6/7) Math (Math 6 or Accelerated Math 6/7) Fine Arts Elective: Music Full Year Fine Arts Elective: Music Full Year ( Band, Chorus, Strings, Guitar) Reading Strategies Workshop Reading Strategies Workshop Spectrum or Resource Spectrum or Resource
Homework in 6 th Grade Homework is a practice of the student learning. Homework is a practice of the student learning. Students should not rely on resource to complete homework. Students should not rely on resource to complete homework. Teachers will have homework posted on StudentVue/ParentVue or Vision. Teachers will have homework posted on StudentVue/ParentVue or Vision.
Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) Students can use their devices for instructional purposes with teacher permission Students can use their devices for instructional purposes with teacher permission Devices should have a readable screen, keyboard, and ability to connect to WIFI Devices should have a readable screen, keyboard, and ability to connect to WIFI Teachers have a few devices for student use if a student does not have a device Teachers have a few devices for student use if a student does not have a device
Math Selection Process Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8 Math 6 Math 6 SOL Test Math 7 Math 7 SOL Test Algebra I SOL Test High School Credit Accelerated Math 6/7 Math 7 SOL Test Algebra I SOL Test High School Credit Geometry SOL Test High School Credit Math 8 Math8 SOL Test
English/Language Arts Content includes: Content includes: Writing Writing Research Research Literature Literature Oral Language Oral Language Vocabulary Vocabulary Syllabus Syllabus Click here to see the Middle School Program of Studies.
US History to 1865 Content Covered Content Covered American History from Era of Exploration to the Civil War American History from Era of Exploration to the Civil War Social Science strands of History, Economics, Civics, & Cultures Social Science strands of History, Economics, Civics, & Cultures Understanding Cause/Effect relationships and chronological social development Understanding Cause/Effect relationships and chronological social developmentSyllabus Click here to see the Middle School Program of Studies.
Science Content Covered Content Covered Sun’s energy on Earth’s systems Sun’s energy on Earth’s systems Water in the environment Water in the environment Air and the atmosphere force Air and the atmosphere force Transformations of energy and matter Transformations of energy and matter Basic chemistry concepts Basic chemistry concepts Syllabus Click here to see the Middle School Program of Studies.
Health & Physical Education Students will have HPE every other day for 90 minutes Students will have HPE every other day for 90 minutes Students will spend approximately two weeks in health every quarter Students will spend approximately two weeks in health every quarter Students are required to dress out for PE & uniforms can be purchased at beginning of year Students are required to dress out for PE & uniforms can be purchased at beginning of year Follow what is happening in HPE on Twitter! Follow what is happening in HPE on Twitter!
Art 6 6 th grade art is an exploratory class in which students receive a grade 6 th grade art is an exploratory class in which students receive a grade Students utilize different mediums such as drawing, painting, clay, and printmaking Students utilize different mediums such as drawing, painting, clay, and printmaking Strives to encourage creative problem-solving, individual confidence, and positive personal expression Strives to encourage creative problem-solving, individual confidence, and positive personal expression
Music Students and parents will be able to make their music selection through StudentVue/ParentVue this year Students and parents will be able to make their music selection through StudentVue/ParentVue this year Will not be able to specify an instrument if selecting band or strings Will not be able to specify an instrument if selecting band or strings Will be able to make selections February 1- February 19 Will be able to make selections February 1- February 19 A How To/FAQ will be available on our website to guide you through the process A How To/FAQ will be available on our website to guide you through the process
Music Programs Offered Programs Offered Band 6 Band 6 Chorus 6 Chorus 6 Guitar 6 (Music Lab) Guitar 6 (Music Lab) Strings 6 Strings 6 Expectations Expectations Performing ensembles Performing ensembles Commitment to the ensemble Commitment to the ensemble Practice at home required Practice at home required Syllabus Click here to see the Middle School Program of Studies.
Spectrum This is the Gifted and Talented program at middle school. This is the Gifted and Talented program at middle school. Students in Futura are automatically placed in Spectrum. Students in Futura are automatically placed in Spectrum. Offered in place of resource class. Offered in place of resource class. Participation option may be exercised from year to year. Participation option may be exercised from year to year.
Special Education Providing an inclusive learning environment to meet the needs of all students. Providing an inclusive learning environment to meet the needs of all students. Resources: Resources: Belmont Ridge M.S. Special Education webpage: Belmont Ridge M.S. Special Education webpage: >Department>Special Education >Department>Special Education LCPS Office of Special Education LCPS Office of Special Education LCPS Parent Resource Center LCPS Parent Resource Center Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Virginia Department of Education Virginia Department of Education
! BELMONT EXTREME ! Summer camp which provides students the opportunity to practice middle school schedule. Summer camp which provides students the opportunity to practice middle school schedule. Students get to do fun activities while learning about middle school. Students get to do fun activities while learning about middle school. Students get acquainted with some of their 6 th grade team of teachers, administrators, & counselor. Students get acquainted with some of their 6 th grade team of teachers, administrators, & counselor. Students are provided with a snack. Students are provided with a snack. The program runs for one week, June The program runs for one week, June AM and PM sessions: 8:30 am – 11:30am; 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm. 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm.
Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) is a research and evidence based practice. Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) is a research and evidence based practice. It creates a common vision of behavioral expectations through consistent language and practices. It creates a common vision of behavioral expectations through consistent language and practices. PBIS is a framework of tiered approaches to address ALL the needs of our students. PBIS is a framework of tiered approaches to address ALL the needs of our students. PBIS Link PBIS Link PBIS Link PBIS Link
Clubs & Organizations at BEMS -- Anime Club -- Book Club -- Bright Life Buddies -- Chamber Choir -- Chess Club -- Drama Club -- French Club -- Jazz Band --Math Counts -- Morning News Show -- Odyssey of the Mind -- Riverhawk Runners -- Student Government -- VEX Robotics -- Video Game Club -- Yearbook Club
Belmont Ridge Middle School National School to Watch National School to Watch National School To Watch National School To Watch 2014 Middle School Academic Challenge 2014 Middle School Academic Challenge 2015 NYA Junior Division Best Overall Musical 2015 NYA Junior Division Best Overall Musical 2015 NYA Junior Division Best Ensemble 2015 NYA Junior Division Best Ensemble 2013 Blue Ribbon School of Music 2013 Blue Ribbon School of Music 2012 Blue Ribbon School of Music 2012 Blue Ribbon School of Music National School To Watch National School To Watch
Questions ??? Visit the Belmont Ridge Middle School Website Visit the Belmont Ridge Middle School Website Like us on Facebook! Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Follow us on Twitter! Contact us by …we are here to help! Contact us by …we are here to help!
Motivated… Dedicated… Educated…