Elements of a data management plan: Data access, sharing, and re-use policies Ruth Duerr National Snow and Ice Data Center Version Review Date
Elements of a data management plan: Data access, sharing, and re-use policies; Version 0.1.0, Reviewed ?/?/?? Overview Every data management plan needs to discuss the data access, sharing, and re-use policies that will be put in place during and after the project
Elements of a data management plan: Data access, sharing, and re-use policies; Version 0.1.0, Reviewed ?/?/?? Things to be discussed in your DMP What will be shared? When, how, and for how long? Any restrictions on sharing or conditions for re-use? Examples Human subjects Intellectual property issues Where data release may cause harm
Elements of a data management plan: Data access, sharing, and re-use policies; Version 0.1.0, Reviewed ?/?/?? References and Resources Detailed questionnaire put together by the Data Conservancy about everything that might be important for your data management plan, V.1.pdf V.1.pdf California Digital Library’s on-line DMPTool, NSF’s data management plan requirements are available at NASA Data Policy science/earth-science-data/data-information-policy/ science/earth-science-data/data-information-policy/
Elements of a data management plan: Data access, sharing, and re-use policies; Version 0.1.0, Reviewed ?/?/?? Other Relevant Modules For a high level overview of the content of a Data Management Plan see Data Management: Elements of a Plan For details of other sections of a Data Management Plan see: Identify materials to be created Organization and standards Roles and responsibilities Backups, archives, and preservation strategy