Online Tracking Overview
Overview Current territories in operation Germany UK Australia Territories coming soon Japan France Spain Mexico
Methodology Panel-based sample Dedicated panel for each territory Originally recruited from Sony Entertainment sources, now recruited strictly from random sources Opinion Points with prize incentives for participation Respondents invited via to complete survey online
Methodology Online survey Questionnaire similar to industry-wide tracking with some custom additions (such as Source of Awareness) Interviews: 400 Frequency: Weekly Gender: 50/50 Male/Female Age: 13-49
Methodology Report delivery Password protected online system Available in HTML, PDF or Excel format Other services Tack-on/Pulse Checks Family Tracking Comparative Tracking Reports Ad testing (print, trailer or TV)
Germany Panel Size: Age and geographic distribution matches population Panel launched October 2001 Consistent weekly Tracking since December 2002 Other notes MU25 and FU25 weighted at 30% each, MO25 and FO25 weighted at 20% each Target delivery date each week: Wednesday
UK Panel Size: Age and geographic distribution matches population Panel launched April 2002 Consistent weekly Tracking since December 2002 Other notes All quads weighted at 25% each Target delivery date each week: Thursday
Australia Panel Size: Age and geographic distribution matches population Panel launched December 2002 Consistent weekly Tracking since March 2003 Other notes All quads weighted at 25% each Target delivery date each week: Tuesday
Contacts Joe Jordan Director of Client Service for all Sony projects , ext. 68 Bill Troy President , ext. 64