Overview of the US ITER Test Blanket Module (TBM) Technical Plan Mohamed Abdou for the US ITER TBM Team Presented at 17th ANS TOFE, Albuquerque, NM November 15, 2006
Testing Blankets is an integral part of ITER planning - all Parties view TBM testing as key motivation for ITER US ITER TBM “Day 1” H-H Phase TBM Testing is required by ITER for: Optimization of plasma control in the presence of Ferritic Steel TBMs Qualification of remote handling procedures Qualification and licensing of the experimental TBM designs and operation before D-T phase ITER Schedule 1st 10 yrs ITER has allocated 3 ITER equatorial ports (1.75 x 2.2 m2) to TBM testing Test planning is managed by TBWG which consists of: Representatives of the seven ITER Parties Representatives of the ITER International Team Ground rules for port allocation, space usage, and collaboration are being negotiated in a high-level Ad-Hoc committee created by IPC with government level representatives
US TBM Technical Plan and Cost Estimates have been developed and favorably reviewed (ready for implementation) US ITER TBM The US Fusion Community completed the development of a “Technical Plan and Cost Estimate” for the US TBM. It presents detailed technical options and credible cost estimates for consideration by the US Government. (It follows the US ITER Project Methodology.) The effort was requested by DOE (Gene Nardella) in August 2005. The effort was performed by the US ITER TBM Team, which includes experts from the Plasma Chamber, Materials, Safety, Plasma Facing Components, and Tritium programs. Costing and project management professionals from Oak Ridge National Laboratory and experts from various universities, national laboratories, and industry also assisted in developing the cost estimates and schedule. Consultation with TBM teams in other countries was very helpful as well. DOE External Review was conducted August 15-16, 2006. All Reviews were very positive.
Pipes to TCWS and Tritium Building US TBM Program Mission – Utilize ITER environment for invaluable technology testing US ITER TBM The principal mission of the US ITER Test Blanket Module (TBM) Program is to develop, deploy, and operate ITER TBM experiments that provide unique experimental data on, and operational experience with, the integrated function of US blanket components and materials in a true fusion plasma-magnetic-nuclear-thermal-chemical environment. TBM testing requires a whole TBM system (module + ancillary equipment) Specific TBM Test Objectives include: Validation of structural response under combined thermal, mechanical, and EM loads Validation of tritium breeding predictions Validation of tritium recovery process efficiency, tritium control and inventories Validation of thermonuclear and thermofluid MHD predictions in strongly heterogeneous blanket and first wall structures with volumetric heat sources Demonstration and understanding of integral performance of blanket components and material systems Experience with design, fabrication, installation and maintenance of prototypical blanket and first wall structures Pipes to TCWS and Tritium Building VV Port Extension PbLi loop Transporter Container TBM Port Frame TBM Bio-shield Example – US DCLL TBM and support systems in the port cell area (He systems in TCWS not shown)
HCCB TBM sub-module (710 389 510 mm) Baseline strategy proposes different levels of participation for two US TBM concepts US ITER TBM DCLL TBM Module (1660 x 484 x 410 mm) After extensive effort two blanket concepts that have substantially different feasibility issues were selected: Poloidal flow PbLi Channel 1. The Dual-Coolant PbLi Liquid Breeder Blanket (DCLL) concept with self-cooled PbLi breeding zone and flow channel inserts (FCIs) as MHD and thermal insulator. Innovative concept (favored by US PC and ARIES, and EU – DEMO) that provides “pathway” to higher outlet temperature/higher thermal efficiency while using ferritic steel . He-cooled RAFS FW SiC FCI US lead role in collaboration with other parties. Plan an independent TBM that will occupy half an ITER test port. 2. The Helium-Cooled Solid Breeder Blanket (HCCB) concept with ferritic steel structure and beryllium neutron multiplier, but without an independent TBM. HCCB TBM sub-module (710 389 510 mm) Ceramic breeder pebbles ALL parties are interested. HCCB is the most likely candidate for near-term breeding blankets, e.g. in ITER extended phase. Supporting partnership with other parties with shared ancillary equipment. With modest investment in HCCB, US will gain access to large international program, Be Pebbles He-cooled RAFS FW Contribute submodule test articles that focus on particular technical issues.
US DCLL TBM Module (1660 x 484 x 410 mm) Main Features of the DCLL “Pathway” to higher thermal performance with ferritic steel US ITER TBM US DCLL TBM Module (1660 x 484 x 410 mm) RAFS first wall and structure cooled with high pressure (8MPa) helium operating at 350-420C (flexible) in ITER (higher in DEMO) Breeding zone is self-cooled PbLi operating at (360-470C) in ITER (higher in DEMO) Structure and Breeding zone separated by SiC flow channel inserts (FCI) ~5mm thick Provide thermal insulation to decouple PbLi bulk flow temperature from RAFS walls Provide electrical insulation to reduce MHD pressure drop in the flowing liquid metal He Coolant Outlet Pipe Poloidal flow PbLi Channel Toroidal flow He-cooled First Wall SiC FCI Concept: PbLi exit temperature can be significantly higher than the operating temperature of the steel structure High Efficiency
HCCB Joint Partnership US ITER TBM Preliminary discussions occurred among US, Japan, and Korea about a possible partnership on HCCB. KO Submodule JA Submodule The proposed US HCCB sub-module will occupy 1/3 of an ITER horizontal half-port US Submodule The back plate coolant supply and collection manifold assembly, incorporating various penetration pipes, flexible supports, and keyways, should be collaboratively designed by partner Parties. A “Lead Party” takes responsibility for fabrication of the back plate and integration of the three sub modules.
US TBM Deliverables: Hardware Ready-to-Ship to ITER by Mar. 31, 2015: US ITER TBM DCLL 1.6 m HCCB 5 m A full size, vertical half-port, DCLL test blanket module; A 1/3 size, horizontal half-port HCCB test blanket submodule integrated with a host Party’s test module Example DCLL He loops in the TCWS Vault Primary and secondary DCLL helium coolant flow loops A one-third share of the HCCB ancillary systems, including He coolant and purge 2 m A DCLL PbLi coolant flow loop Specifications for tritium processing system Example DCLL PbLi loop in port cell transporter container
Basic US Technical Plan Flow US ITER TBM Products: Qualified Design - Qualified Fab. Technology - Verified Simulation Cap. Progression from basic R&D through single and multiple effects tests (including small and medium scale mockup testing) to fabrication and testing of scaled-mockups and full scale Prototype Basic Properties Models & Theory Single/Multiple Effects Testing Simulation Codes Partially-Integrated Mockup Testing Data/Codes Integration and Benchmarking Evolution of verified predictive capability in concert with experimental program Complete and coupled computer-aided engineering design and safety analyses
R&D tasks directly support TBM design, safety, qualification, and/or operation requirements US ITER TBM The ITER TBM qualification and licensing process will be arduous TBMs must not interfere with operation, availability, or safety of ITER acceptance will demand testing in the H-H phase, for which we need to begin preparing now DCLL and HCCB Technical Issues Design, fabrication and qualification of structures with RAFS Integrated response of complex geometry, highly-heterogeneous TBM mockups in ITER-like conditions Robust diagnostics compatible with ITER operating conditions and TBM design and materials Tritium removal, release and permeation He flow distribution and heat transfer characteristics DCLL only Technical Issues Coupled impact of FCI thermal, electrical, and structure properties and design on MHD velocity profiles and operating temperature Fabrication of SiC with desired FCI properties Compatibility of PbLi with materials and reactivity with water HCCB only Technical Issues Thermomechanical behavior of pebble beds and impact on operating temperature
FCI/SiC Devel. & Fabrication Many R&D tasks are highly interactive, and collectively, they provide information critical to design, procurement specifications, qualification/acceptance tests, and definition of operating conditions US ITER TBM Example: Flow Channel Insert (FCI) in DCLL Flow Channel Insert Function Decouple PbLi & FS Thermal insulation Electric insulation Low primary stress Robust to thermal stress - T ~200C Thermofluid MHD Structural Analysis ITER TBM Effectiveness of FCI as electric/thermal insulator MHD pressure drop and flow distribution MHD flow and FCI property effects on T FCI stresses FCI deformations FCI/SiC Devel. & Fabrication Tailoring k and k(T), (T) Irradiation effect Fabrication issues ITER DT MHD Experiments Manifolds 3D FCI features ITER DT: Max stress<45 MPa UCLA Manifold Flow distribution Experiment (~1m length)
RAFS Fabrication R&D determines detailed material and fabrication specifications US ITER TBM R&D needed for: Input to design analyses ITER Structural Design Criteria TBM Technical Specification Doc. Vendor Bid Packages for prototype and first TBM Basic Properties Single and Multiple Effects Testing Partially-Integrated Mockup Testing Material alloy specification Fabrication procedures Properties - base metal & joints Tolerances Small/Med mockups - Irradiation, - Corrosion, - Thermal/stress Final Design TBM Fabrication Acceptance Tests Init R&D Oct FabRoute Dec BidPack Aug FY2007 2008 2009 2010
R&D activities underway in several critical areas for US TBMs US ITER TBM Current R&D efforts: DCLL MHD experiments and simulation – manifolds and FCI function SiC materials development and property measurements for FCI PbLi/SiC/FS compatibility and LM ingress tests Pebble bed thermomechanics experiments and simulations Initial contacts with US industry regarding initiating RAFS fabrication development R&D in FY07 Possible FCI Material – Low Conductivity SiC Foam with dense sealing layer from ULTRAMET Tested with LM at UCLA PbLi/SiC/Alloy Capsule Compatibility Tests from ORNL DCLL MHD numerical simulation of PbLi velocity through a three-channels dividing manifold: left: fully developed MHD flow characteristics at each channel; right: PbLi velocity evolution from the manifold inlet to three parallel channels
Numerical Simulations of Manifold x y z B 25 50 100 20 250 Slit Duct Velocity profiles from inlet to outlet UCLA’s Experimental Geometry of Manifold Current distribution at the outlet shows that the flows here is fully developed The center channel has flow rate 11.8% above the uniform flow, and the side channels have -5.% below the uniform flow. Velocity vector shows M Shape Velocity, and Vortex Parallel to the magnetic field
Heat Transfer in DCLL blanket is strongly affected by fluid flow phenomena, where MHD plays a major role US ITER TBM Model Development Numerical Simulations Design A B C D Formation of high-velocity near-wall jets B. 2-D MHD turbulence in flows with M-type velocity profile C. Reduction of turbulence via Joule dissipation D. Natural/mixed convection E. Strong effects of MHD flows and FCI properties on heat transfer g =5 E DEMO =100 =500
VTBM Integrated Data/multi-code multi-physics modeling activities, or Virtual TBM, is key for ITER TBM R&D activity. US ITER TBM The design of a complex system like the ITER TBM requires an exhaustive CAE effort encompassing multiple simulation codes supporting multi-physics modeling. Temperature in solid domain Stress and Strain in solid domain CAD model of structure CAD Model Input CAD to Analysis Intermediaries Fix CAD model Neutronics Electromagnetics Thermo Fluid Mass Transfer Structural
R&D, Design, Fabrication and Qualification Schedules are linked by Yearly Milestones US ITER TBM Key early design decisions, TSD 1st Draft Approve Prototype Fabrication, complete structural design criteria Approve 1st Module Fabrication, Final TSD Key Project Milestones All activities tied to Milestones The critical path is discerned based on inter-dependencies of tasks Information from R&D is available in time to support design, fabrication and qualification
Testing Tritium Breeding Blankets in ITER is ESSENTIAL to show that fusion has a potential as an energy source US ITER TBM ITER TBM will address the following central questions about D-T fusion: Is there a practical blanket compatible with the plasma that can achieve tritium self sufficiency? (Is the D-T cycle practical?) Can high-grade heat extraction (high efficiency) be realized in the fusion environment (and reliably in a system inside the plasma vacuum vessel)? Without TBM, hence ignoring power extraction and tritium self-sufficiency, the US strategy for the long term will have a very big hole – invalidating any mid- to long-term strategy to meet an energy goal. The critics of fusion argue that "the time to realize fusion is 40 years away and expanding". Not participating in ITER TBM will guarantee that these critiques are right. TBMs are critical to solving the Tritium Supply Issue for continued fusion development Successful ITER will exhaust most of the world supply of tritium A fusion reactor consumes tritium at a rate ~100x more than a fission production reactor can produce ITER extended performance phase and any future long pulse burning plasma will need tritium breeding technology
Summary A technical plan for US ITER TBM has been developed. The US extensive experience, pioneering development of FNT, and in-depth studies of engineering testing in fusion facilities over the past 35 years allowed the development of a credible and effective technical plan. The combined efforts of the community’s technical experts and costing and management professionals enabled a reasonably accurate cost estimate which is much more detailed and more comprehensive than that of any other ITER Party. Analysis of the current situation (ITER, international, domestic) demands strong US participation in ITER Blanket Testing.