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Agenda Essential Questions Other Early Civilizations Notes Hebrew Cyber Hunt HW: Bring S.S. Fair Materials
Essential Questions How is Judaism different than other early religions? What form of writing did the Phoenicians invent? Which civilization guarded Egyptian values? What are the Ten Commandments? Why was Cyrus considered to be so great?
Other Early Civilizations Hebrews, Phoenicians, Assyrians, Kush (Nubians), Persians
Hebrews 2000 B.C.E. Palestine, specifically Canaan left Egypt, led by Moses
Hebrews Torah: tells us written history, is the first 5 books (chapters) of the Hebrew Bible Judaism worships one god (monotheistic) called god Yahweh Ten Commandments: set of rules for social and religious behavior; their code of law built great temple in Jerusalem
Phoenicians 1100 B.C.E. coast of Mediterranean Sea North Africa, Sicily, Italy, Lebenon
Phoenicians first to sail around Africa, by way of Red Sea and Strait of Gibraltar invented purple dye, by smashing snails writing system (alphabet) based on sounds, not ideas first world traders
Assyrians 850 B.C.E. Fertile Crescent spread down through Palestine into Egypt
Assyrians advanced military planning and technical skill great efficiency at organizing conquered territories into an empire beautiful capital at Nineveh with a library of 25,000 clay tablets
Kush (Nubians) 700 B.C.E. Egypt, on the Upper Nile River
Kush (Nubians) linked trade routes between the Mediterranean and the Red Sea guardians of Egyptian values major center for the manufacture of iron weapons and tools
Persians 612 B.C.E. between the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea
Persians Cyrus the Great expanded empire over 2,000 miles gentle ruler, had compassion for conquered peoples; adapted their customs Royal Road and standard money help empire together