Presentation on Collective Bargaining Submitted by- Aman Kumar (128) Karan Kumar (134) Mohammad Asad (144) Rajat verma (502)
Topics to be covered Meaning of collective bargaining. Objectives of collective bargaining. Types of collective bargaining. Levels of collective bargaining. Principles of collective bargaining. Essentials for effective collective bargaining. Factors effecting collective bargaining in India. Suggestions for effective collective bargaining in India.
Collective Bargaining “Collective Bargaining is a process in which the representatives of a labor organization & the representatives of business organization meet and attempt to negotiate a contract or agreement, which specifies the nature of employee- employer8union relationship”. FLIPPO In simple words, collective bargaining is a process, a technique or device to protect the interest of the employers and employees to determine the employment conditions, to fix the wage and salary and achieve the objectives of the organization.
Objectives of Collective bargaining To maintain relations between the management and workers. To settle disputes/conflicts relating to wages and working conditions. To ensure the participation of trade unions in industry. To resolve the differences between workers and management through voluntary negotiation. To avoid the need of govt. intervention as it is a voluntary process.
Types of collective bargaining 1. Distributive bargaining- It involves the distribution of surplus. Under it, the economic issues like wages, salaries and bonus are discussed. 2. Integrative bargaining- This involves negotiation of an issue on which both parties may gain or at least both parties loses. In this both parties were agree on the agreement which is profitable to both management and workers.
Types of collective bargaining 3. Attitudinal structuring- This involves restructure the trust/faith, friendliness between workers and management. When there are conflicts between workers and management attitudinal structuring is required to maintain smooth industrial relations. 4. Intra-organizational bargaining- This is a type of maneuvering to achieve consensus with the workers and management.
Levels At Which Collective Bargaining Is Undertaken Enterprise Or Plant Level Industry-Cum-Region wide Agreements Sectoral Collective Bargaining At National Level
Principles of collective bargaining Principles for trade unions Trade unions should have open mind on various issues. There should not be any confusion or understanding. Trade unions should explain the terms and conditions of the agreements to their members. The unions should fully support the managements once some agreement have taken place. Union leaders should be available for discussions whenever needed by the management.
Principles for management Management should give proper recognition to trade unions. Management should accept that labor policy which is acceptable by all their representatives. Management representatives should be easily accessible to the trade unions. All types of conflicts should be avoided as possible.
Principles for both union and management Collective bargaining should be used to know the view points of both the parties. Both the parties should have trust on each other. CB is used to find solutions of the conflicts that is acceptable to both parties. Both the parties should follow all the rules of collective bargaining. Both the parties should work for the betterment of workers as well as management.
Process of collective bargaining Identification of the problem Preparation for negotiation Negotiation procedure Implementation of contract
Essentials For Successful Collective Bargaining Trade Union Recognition Observance of Agreements Support of Labor Administration Authorities. Good Faith Proper Internal Communication
Essentials For Successful Collective Bargaining Favorable political climate Willingness to give and take Fair practices Positive attitude Availability of data
Factors effecting Collective bargaining in India Employers reluctance Multiple unions Non-recognition Weak unions Political interference Inadequate interventions.
Suggestion for effective collective bargaining in India Spread awareness for the betterment of trade unions. The interference of the political leaders should be avoided. The government should work for the growth of Collective bargaining. Each party should understand the viewpoints of the other party. Both the parties show positive attitude towards each other.