Bellwork Jan 15, 2013 1 1)Look at the pH scale above. If you combine an acid with a pH of 5 and base with a pH of 9 the result will be a substance with.


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Presentation transcript:

Bellwork Jan 15, )Look at the pH scale above. If you combine an acid with a pH of 5 and base with a pH of 9 the result will be a substance with a pH of 7. How do I know this? 2) Use this same pattern to determine the pH of a substance resulting when you combine an acid with pH of 2 with a base that has a pH of 13. SPI Acids and Bases First go get your clicker! Then go get a copy of the study guide from the front table

1) If you combine an acid with a pH of 5… … with a base with a pH of 9… …the result will be a substance with a pH of 7. How do I know this?  Count the spaces back to 7 for the acid & then for the base  Base= two spaces  Acid=two spaces Bellwork 2 minus 2= neutral! 2 SPI Acids and Bases

Bellwork 3 2) Use this same pattern to determine the pH of a substance resulting when you combine an acid with pH of 2 with a base that has a pH of 13.  Acid= 5 spaces  Base=6 bases…(6 bases minus 5 acids = one base)  So the substance will have a pH of 8 SPI Acids and Bases

Today’s Plan 1) Discuss objective(s), bell work, ask about birthdays. 2) Discuss missed answers from study guide (provide answers) 3) Collect signed report cards (homeroom only) 4) Continue viewing notes about electromagnetism 5) (Time permitting) Watch Brainpop about magnetism 6) Copy this into your agenda! Study for tomorrow’s quiz Silly Thought They say that practice makes perfect right? Yet they also say that nobody is perfect. So then what is the point of practicing? 4 SPI Acids and Bases SPI 0807:12.1 to 12.3 Electricity and Magnetism

The Cause of Magnetism Atoms and Domains: In materials such as iron, nickel, and cobalt, groups of atoms are in tiny areas called domains. The north and south poles in a domain line up and make a strong magnetic field. SPI 0807:12.1 to 12.3 Electricity and Magnetism Notes

(See Ch. 16: Sect 1 VC and p430: Fig 10) Notes SPI 0807:12.1 to 12.3 Electricity and Magnetism

Electromagnetism In 1820 it was discovered that electric current produces a magnetic field. Electromagnetism: Is the interaction between electricity and magnetism. (See VC) A solenoid: is a coil of wire that produces a magnetic field when carrying an electric current. (VC or p433: Fig 2) An electromagnet: is made up of a solenoid wrapped around an iron core. (see p434: Fig3) Turning Electromagnets On and Off: Electromagnets are very useful because they can be turned on and off as needed. The solenoid has a field only when there is electric current in it. SPI 0807:12.1 to 12.3 Electricity and Magnetism